
Undone straps/Gear Check/Familiarization...

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This problem was found "pre-incident" ... I questioned myself about posting it but figured it might be of value...

A post AFF student (on about jumpt 25) was wearing a rental/student rig - the thing with this particular rig is that it had adjustment points at the hip-rings that allowed sizing the container for the torso (lengthening the arm loop).

On the way to altitude (I missed the load - I was packing) one of the instructors was just looking around at everyone's three point connections (a check he does to kill time on the way to altitude) and he notices that the buckle on the arm/torso is only pulled through in one direction - i.e., not looped back through the buckle.

Had my new friend jumped without (him or someone else) noticing this, it would have been a disaster on opening - as I'm pretty sure that with one arm completely disconnected from the rig would have caused him to fall out, or in the less drastic case put him into an uncontrollable spin.

Needless to say, the student was a little freaked when he got down (he did fix it on the plane and did jump - after another full gear-check) - and then went home for the day.

Moral of the story is three-fold:
1) Do several gear checks
2) If you aren't using you're own gear (and even if you are) be familiar with it and know its weak points.
3) While the main responsibilities are for ourselves - take a little time on the way to altitude to look for un-done straps/misrouted buckles on your fellow jumpers - it only takes a few seconds

- Jeff

"That's not flying, it's falling with style."

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