
Crunch Time(Hawaiian SD's help)

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I have already bought a plane ticket and got an aproved leave form.
Im going to be in Hawaii from May15-Jun3.

I cant aford a hotel and a rental car for that amount of time. I dont care if I have to sleep in a dumpster, all I want to do is jump.
My plan was to pitch the Ole tent. Ive never been to a DZ where this wasnt a problem.
Well, I've got some good info from "tinkerbell & skyhi".
I've been told that if you camp there, there is a good chance that the natives will try to steal your belongings, because they feal you dont belong there.(I will offer a cig and beer though)
Well I got a reply from Skydive Hawaii saying"No Problem, you can pitch your tent righ across from the DZ as long as you are not to loud and dont start any fires. And we normaly only pick up tandems(read:Tandem Factory:() But we may be able to pick you up but wont know until the day before. Thats to close for me.( They will make much more money from me over 20 days than a Tandem) I dont want to be stuck at an International Airport "Been there done that".

Tinkerbell told me about a bunkhouse at the DZ. But the DZ didnt mention anything about that to me even though they know I'll be there for over 20 days. Mabye ist not available anymore?

I Know I made a huge mistake. All I was thinking about was jumping in paradise for 20 days. So I made transportation plans before making accomodation plans(learned my lesson)
Any Hawaiian DZ.commers that can help would be very much apreciated, and worth plenty of beer.

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Never been to Hawaii, but you might want to check this out. There's always more fish in the sea. I found at least three DZs there. This one has a King Air and sounds like it caters to fun jumpers, i.e., team rooms, packers, packing space, etc. Sounds a little more like what you're looking for. Depending on when I leave here, I may be there during that time too. I'm planning on flying through there and stopping for a day or two just to make a couple jumps there. So maybe I'll see you there.

By the way, here's where I found them.

Edited cause I screwed the clickies up again.


If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.

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