
Bummed ! Can't jump for a while

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Damn, can't jump for about 3-4 months. Broke my leg motocross racing over the weekend. This gives me good time to get all my gear together for the summer. Can't wait to get in the air & ride again. It will be like jumping for the 1st time all over again. That is pretty exciting. :ph34r::)

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Sorry to hear that. Motorcycles are dangerous. You should stick to safer sports like skydiving in the future! ;)

The good news is you'll be back in shape for next season!
"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." CP

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I have to work. I own my own business. This is why I must be so careful. I wish I could get disability. However I don't envy your boredom..I usually work on cars, now I am trying to find help for the manual labor while I do all my backlogged paperwork. You should go take a vacation somewhere tropical & bake in the sun.

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It is going around. One of my 10-way teammates broke some ribs riding his dirt bike. Then his alternate broke some ribs during exit on a practice jump. Other things happened on that exit too.

Take care. No sneezing, laughing, or hiccups.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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I feel ya dude. I have a bimalleolar ankle fracture back in August and I'm just now starting to go back to work and walk like a normal person.

Hey Dumpster....I joined the skydiver hardware club too. I have a plate and 10 screws on my fib and 2 screws holding my tib to my ankle.

It's probably going to be a little while before I am financially able to jump again, but I will jump again. After much debating of whether or not I could accept the risk, I have decided that it is definite I will jump again. It may take awhile, but the sky will always be there.

I hope you guys heal fast and are back up in the air in no time!
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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I'm really anxious to get back to work - Short-term-disability gives me some cash flow but not really enough, especially with the holidays on top of us. Plus I've got projects at work that are suffering becuase I'm not there. The longer I'm off work the more mess I'll have to clean up, y'know?


After much debating of whether or not I could accept the risk, I have decided that it is definite I will jump again. It may take awhile, but the sky will always be there.

I am fortunate that my insurance will cover the lions' share of the $16,000 bill for this 'lil screw-up of mine. But I must admit it has given me some things to think about. And you get lots of time to think while laid up with an injury like this. I hate to admit it but the thought has briefly crossed my mind, to hang up the jumpsuit and start building custom motorcycles instead.

But that's when I'll get a phone call or an email or I start posting here and it goes away!!!

Easy Does It

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After hearing this & dumpster with all the hardware I don't feel as bad yet. If I am really careful no surgery. Surgery would really set me back financially. I have no insurance. Oh well we all work this shit out. I really am anxious & impatient, would like to rip this stupid boot off & go jump......

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Be patient my friend! A few extra weeks/ months healing is worth the wait. Realistically, I think I'll be back in the air around March.

In the meantime I'll be hanging around the DZ and after I get the cast off and start physical therapy I'll work helping out around the DZ what I can.

I'll also be upsizing from 150 to a 170. I really have no need to be jumping at 1.35. I don't swoop and I don't need to get down to the ground fast like a video flyer.

Easy Does It

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I didn't even think up the upsizing thing. I have about 120 or so jumps about 80 with a sabre 170. I will definetely upsize just for lack of experience. One of my clients is a othorpedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine. After going to the office for a check he suggesting joining a gym & start working out immediately. Working out & breaking a sweat sends signals to the injured areas. All in all it helps the complete healing process. This was a new learning curve.

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In your case I don't think you need to upsize - your profile says you're just above 1:1 - You're fine.
I never though about the excercise thing - I can't get to the gym easily but I'm sure I canfind excercises to do around the house (pushups, etc-) That will probably help burn some of the calories I've been consuming, too.

Easy Does It

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Oh yeah - I am host to a plate and eight screws now. Nice scar on the outside of my leg, too! I've been initiated into the "club" of skydivers with hardware.

I also just recently joined the skydiving hardware club. Fractured my fibula on Oct 22 and Z-Hills. I got a plate and 5 screws. I can feel the screw head that's on the ankle. Kinda weird.

I'm walking in a boot now even though I'm supposed to be non weight bearing. Actually feels great. I have no pain at all. The therapy tweaks it a bit but not too bad. Surgeon did a great job!

I hope to be jumping in Jan! But man! It sure has been a long couple of months!

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Doc made it clear I'm not to put any weight on it until the cast comes off the 22nd of this month. Since I really want to make as full a recovery as I can, I'm going to listen!

Yeah - Time is going by SO slowly. Cool thing is I just got a bonus check from work. I can pay my bills this month! WooHoo!

Should establish a "Titanium Brotherhood/Sisterhood" or something, for skydivers with shydiving-related hardware installed?

Just an idea - !

Easy Does It

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I told my therapist that I'm walking on it. While she wasn't real happy about it, she didn't strongly object. I only walk short distances, around the apt, etc. Most of the time I'm on my crutches.

BTW, if you are on crutches for a while, you should check out www.crutchcozies.com. They make it a bit more comfy.


SWAT... Just gotta figure out the A-something... :)

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