
Skydive Survey

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Hey all! My name is Tory and I'm from Skydive Chicago. If you've ever been there, I've either met you on a plane or inside the Manifest office.
I am starting an investigational research project for the University of Illinois of Chicago on communication and.... Yes. Skydiving!! The government awards a grant every year for the most obscure research and I try may apply for it if I can gather enough info in the next few months. I was hoping you all would fill out this survey for me and e-mail it back to me a [email protected]. If you fill out personal experiences, I may quote you so left me know if you want this to be anonymous. I don't care who fills it out as long as he/she has made at least one skydive. I feel even tandem responses will be helpful. This will also be posted on dropzone.com so watch out for it and encourage others to fill this out! Thanks for your help and please ignore my bad spelling!

1. your name, license rating (or # of jumps) and any titles you may hold, (ex. coach), home DZ.

2. Is Communication important to skydiving and why?

3. Where do you find the most and least communication occurs? Why do you think this can happen?

4. How do you communicate in the air to other skydivers? Please gives some examples or situations.

5. How do you communicate on the ground to other skydivers?

6. Where did you learn how to communicate on the ground/in air for skydiving? Is this universal for all skydivers?

7. What program, if any, taught you how to skydive?

8. How is safety related to skydiving?

9. How do you feel about your own communications skills and skydiving? What can be improved on?

10. What do you think others need to improve on with communications?

11. May I contact you if I have any further questions and if so, what is the preferred method?

Thanks for your help! B|:)
[email protected]

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Whoa man...too many questions. Almost every question in there is a complete thread on it's own.
My advice to you is to pare your questions down to the bare minimum. Or, alternatively post a single question at a time.
A question like "Where in Skydiving is communication most important and where is safety compromised by faulty or too little communication?".
Create a form and shout the bar while they fill it out at your local DZ!!:)

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:P thanks, it's supposed to be indepth to get intillectual responses. I don't want to go to the bar and have people fill it out, because like I said, if I get enough good information I will apply for a government grant to continue this project. Anything to keep skydivers thinking about how to fly safely is one of my goals. Also, to (if everything goes right) publish some great info about skydiving, and help give skydiving become more recognized!

You are right though, each question would make a great thread. There's many things that people either do not think about when communicating to people on a dropzone.

So far I've had a lot of great responses back from this! Thanks to everyone that's helping me out, I can't wait for more replies! I'm going to try and post some stats about what people have said every few weeks, so watch out for more updates and keep e-mailing me those responses!!

-Tory ;)
[email protected]

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