
T shirt I saw at Couch Freaks around 2008

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A t shirt vendor at couch freaks had a shirt that pictured a skydiver under canopy and it had a quote that (I think) was attributed to a german ww2 submarine commander.  The quote said something along the lines of "Life is primarily a matter of chance.  The risks we take have little bearing on the outcome."  I'm trying to find the exact quote.  Does any one know it? 

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Can't find the quote, but I asked ChatGPT to express  it in the style of Shakespeare:


Life's a mix of chance and choice,

Our dec-i-sions prove a-bound-ing

And risks can map our fate's pro-gres-sion,

But luck can still so-met-i-mes o-ver-ride

The care-ful plans we make a-side,

The un-known paths can turn-ing lead

With-out a glimpse of what's a-head.


You're welcome.

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