
Torture investigations .

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Dick Cheyney has recently been on the tube pissed off that the Obama administration may investigate allegations of CIA personelle torturing detainees.
Do you believe that it is ok for us to torture? Do you believe that the torture provided "good" intelligence?
Why or why not?

Blue ,

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I do not believe it is OK for us to torture. As a country, it generally constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, which is against the Constitution. Saying that we only torture foreign terrorists is bullshit.

The preponderance of evidence indicates that torture does not get as much good quality data as more humane questioning techniques. Yes, it gets occasional evidence, but by being known to torture, we lose a whole lot more of it, so we end up losers in the long run.

But mainly it's just wrong. Anyone who feels strongly enough that torture is the ONLY way to get that crucial information should be willing to take the personal consequences of using an illegal questioning technique.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I do not believe it is OK for us to torture. As a country, it generally constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, which is against the Constitution.

So Wendy, Do you support the decision to investigate certain allegations against individual CIA personelle in regards to torture?

If found guilty of torturing another human, what in your opinion would be a just sentence?



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I guess it would depend on the method being used
in 2003 we often "smoked" (army term for exercize) detainees for info, basically we would make them do jumping jakes, push ups stuff like that. To people like us thats n big deal but they called it "torture" since they werent used to exercize.

Stuff like waterboarding is a step up but not bad, its when you get into things that cause pain and damage to the person is when you get loads of useless info and shouldnt be used since nothing can be reliable.

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I guess it would depend on the method being used
in 2003 we often "smoked" (army term for exercize) detainees for info, basically we would make them do jumping jakes, push ups stuff like that.

When you use the term "we" are you implying that you were one of those "smok"ing the detainees?



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I would rather see the system investigated than the individuals (particularly low-level ones in a system where torture clearly is tolerated).

Once the system is fixed, then you can point at individuals.

As far as what constitutes torture, I'm not an expert. I wouldn't classify discomfort (cold, thirst, exercise -- that doesn't threaten health) as torture. I'm told waterboarding is used to show US troops what torture is like. That sounds a lot more doubtful.

As soon as you start trying to define just exactly what is and what isn't torture, you're probably going against the spirit of the law.

Many prisoners are, in fact, bad people. Treating them like shit because of that neither reinforces their badness, nor highlights our goodness. The idea is to prevent future bad behavior, and find out what's going on now to stop it.

Revenge is not for questioners.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I guess it would depend on the method being used

Stuff like waterboarding is a step up but not bad,

Hey bullin 82, do you know that many US Vietnam Vets were prosecuted by our gov't for waterboarding then?
If it was criminal then why do you believe it isn't criminal now?

Michael Vick was convicted of the heinous crime of cruelty to animals.

Are you going to stand by while humans are tortured and say nothing?

Yeah.., home of the brave.



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Im not saying its OK to use it im just saying that there is ALOT worse things out there that people have and will more than likley continue to use. The thought and feeling of you drowning will convince you to "spill the beans" just because you think once you talk theyll stop.

Again im not saying we should ever use it.

Oh and yes i was there for "smoking" detainees its nothing bad it happens to ALL US soldiers you just do exersizes nothing more, you are allowed to drink water during the session so theres nothing being deprived. Honostly some of them definetly needed to do some PT

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If we want to say we are a great country and not just a large one we need to act like it.
Not only should we investigate who was responsible for violating our constitution they should be punished with zero tolerance. Everyone involved needs to be brought to justice.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I was refering to the blank profile, other wise that standard would mean, your not Kevin, your dreamdancer.

it's not up to you to decide what one puts in ones 'profile' (or complain/troll about others)

(i just picked kevin at random)
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