
Amory Lovins - Winning the Oil Endgame

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Good discussions on saving energy with alittle Chomsky thrown in : )


http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7333556703536657423&q=&hl=en (start @ 46:00 if you don't have time to listen to it all)

http://www.oilendgame.com/ReadTheBook.html ( Download Winning the Oil Endgame )

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4569577556800822039 ( Nuclear discussion @ 31:56 mins )

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New fuel economy standard will be 31.6 mpg
Official release of requirements will come toward end of Bush presidency

WASHINGTON - The next generation of new cars and trucks will need to meet a fleet average of 31.6 miles per gallon by 2015, the Bush administration proposed Tuesday, seeking more fuel-efficient vehicles in the face of high gasoline prices and concerns over global warming.
Transportation Secretary Mary Peters outlined the plan on Earth Day, setting a schedule that was more aggressive than initially expected by the auto industry. It responds to a new energy law that requires new cars and trucks, taken as a collective average, to meet 35 mpg by 2020.

It would cost 180 billion dollars to retool the auto manufacturing plants to build cars out of carbon fiber/thermal plastic laminates. The cost for the Iraq war is now at 750 billion? These 50% lighter and 12% stronger cars can get 100mpg now with 2008 technologies! Why is it taking 7 years to get only a 32mpg standard and 12 years to get a 35mpg standard?
Ans: The oil companies/ big government CEO’s love your money!

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It would cost 180 billion dollars to retool the auto manufacturing plants to build cars out of carbon fiber/thermal plastic laminates. The cost for the Iraq war is now at 750 billion? These 50% lighter and 12% stronger cars can get 100mpg now with 2008 technologies! Why is it taking 7 years to get only a 32mpg standard and 12 years to get a 35mpg standard?
Ans: The oil companies/ big government CEO’s love your money!

Carbon fiber is a byproduct of oil. It's extremely difficult/impossible to get carbon fiber in any large amounts without long lead times, and there's simply no possible way it could supply the auto industry in any significant capacity, not to mention its extremely high cost compared to steel.

A lighter and stronger car isn't economically viable if it costs twice as much as a normal car that gets 1/3 the gas mileage.

Also, a stronger car isn't necessarily a safer car. Cars are made to crush/crumple for a very important reason.
A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world.

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CF is very abundant and extensively used in almost every industry know to humans. Some good examples are the aviation, auto industries and sporting equipment industries like skydiving helmets, tennis rackets, golf clubs, cycling frames! You name it and someone has made it out of CF.

Amory discusses its use in cars in the following site ( 6:40 to 12:50 ) http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/51

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You name it and someone has made it out of CF.

I name coke can, window, beer, electrical transformer, DVD...

How about a smartass? Did they ever make a smartass out of CF?;)

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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