
Could Limbaughbe more of a pig?

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Rush is a fatfuck. Not only is he a fatfuck but he is also an oxy eating fatfuck. Not only that he is also a limpdick moron who has to shovel truckloads of viagra up his fatfuck ass to get an erection so that he can masturbate to his own picture. If there is a bashfest on Rush the OxyViagra Pig, I'm there!!!

Gee, where is all of that love that you supposedly posess?

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It seems all the people agahst at Rush making fun of Fox and suggesting he is faking are the first ones to make fun of Rushs' weight.

What is Rush IS right? I have seen plenty of MJF on TV, and NEVER was he shaking like that, even in interviews post-Rush. Im not saying he was, but there certainly he was shaking WAY worse on the campaign add than in other interviews.

Nobody went ape-shit when Colbert did this:


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Perhaps if we can get past the "Rush is Fat" mentality for a minute and discuss the facts about the ad MJF made?

Mr. Fox and his sponsors conflate Embryonic stem cell research with Adult stem cell research and further distort the positions of conservatives like Michael Steele of Maryland.

The only factual issue is whether federal funding of embryonic stem cell research is apppropriate.

California is currently spending $6 billion of taxpayers money on embryonic research which is not proving to be viable. There are currently 72 therapies that are showing a benefit using adult stem cells and none showing benefit using embryonic.


The truth of the matter is that adult stem cell research is showing a great deal of promise, while embryonic shows none.

Additionally, embryonic stems cell are actually proving to be dangerous when injected into people with Parkinsons disease, like MJF, causing brain tumors and the rejection of tissue. A problem not found with adult stem cells.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Injecting human embryonic stem cells into the brains of Parkinson's disease patients may cause tumors to form, U.S. researchers reported on Sunday.

Steven Goldman and colleagues at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York said human stem cells injected into rat brains turned into cells that looked like early tumors.

Writing in the journal Nature Medicine, the researchers said the transplants clearly helped the rats, but some of the cells started growing in a way that could eventually lead to a tumor.

Various types of cell transplants are being tried to treat Parkinson's disease, caused when dopamine-releasing cells die in the brain.

This key neurotransmitter, or message-carrying chemical, is involved in movement and Parkinson's patients suffer muscle dysfunction that can often lead to paralysis. Drugs can slow the process for a while but there is no cure.

The idea behind brain cell transplants is to replace the dead cells. Stem cells are considered particularly promising as they can be directed to form the precise desired tissue and do not trigger an immune response.

Goldman's team used human embryonic stem cells. Taken from days-old embryos, these cells can form any kind of cell in the body. This batch had been cultured in substances aimed at making them become brain cells.

Previous groups have tried to coax stem cells into becoming dopamine-releasing cells.

Goldman's team apparently succeeded and transplanted them into the rats with an equivalent of Parkinson's damage. The animals did get better.

But the grafted cells started to show areas that no longer consisted of dopamine-releasing neurons, but of dividing cells that had the potential to give rise to tumors.


The claims made by MJF in his ad are therefore misleading and false and I can only assume Mr. Fox and his sponsers knew this and made the ad anyway to play on the ignorance of the American voter. I find this shameful.

Why would Federally Funded embyonic stem cell research suddenly start to produce results when State and privately funded research has produced no discernable benefit?

Finally, in Mr. Steeles case, he voted for funding of adult and embryonic stem cell research while his Democratic opponent Ben Cardin voted against it.


Alternate Stem Cell Research Methods – Passage. “Barton, R-Texas, motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill that would require the National Institutes of Health to conduct and support research on the isolation, derivation and production of pluripotent stem cells that do not destroy human embryos. It would require the Health and Human Services secretary to issue final guidelines for additional stem cell research, with priority for research with the greatest potential to yield benefits in the near future, within 90 days of the bill's enactment.” (S. 2754, CQ Vote #380: Motion rejected. July 18, 2006, Cardin voted Nay)

Shameful...really sad. Either MJF was a willing participant in this deception or a hapless dupe, used for political gain by the Liberal elites who will stop at nothing and use any tactic for political gain.

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The truth of the matter is that adult stem cell research is showing a great deal of promise, while embryonic shows none.

Yes, and that's why we need to stop artificially starving embryonic research of funding.

You're already convinced it can't ever be productive, which is a different (and distinctly unscientific) conclusion.
My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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The truth of the matter is that adult stem cell research is showing a great deal of promise, while embryonic shows none.

Yes, and that's why we need to stop artificially starving embryonic research of funding.

You're already convinced it can't ever be productive, which is a different (and distinctly unscientific) conclusion.

Not what I said at all. I ask why we should pour Federal money into embryonic research when so far it has not only been unproductive, but in truth presents a greater danger to those with Parkinsons disease like MJF. Apparently you missed the part about California currently spending $6 billion in State funds plus a huge amount in private funding with very little results.

Don't you believe that funding and developing successful research being done with adult stem cells is a better investment than to dilute it's success by diverting money into less promising embryonic research? Don't you believe that people devastated with Parkinsons like MJF would be more likely to derive more immediate benefits from funding adult stem cell research?

Or are you one of those Liberals who believes the Govt. has unlimited deep pockets? :o


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Not to mention that Fox is misleading at best and lying at worst but, since you think his message is the true word you defend him and, as Coulter has correctly said, you consider him untouchable because he has an illness and we should be nice to him.

Fuck that!!
He threw himself into the political area to put forth his message. And you think because he has an illness he is hands off?? FUCK that too!!

From AP

reprinted on Newsmax (for you Kallend!)

"All stem cell research is legal today in Missouri. Jim Talent does not seek to criminalize it, as Michael J. Fox asserts in his television commercial. The truth is, Amendment 2 would put human cloning in the Missouri Constitution.(This is PURE BULLSHIT and completely untrue) Michael J. Fox is participating in this disinformation campaign."

Rush cited a story at National Review Online "Doc Hollywood on the Campaign Trail; What Michael J. Fox Learned While on Spin City," in which she quotes Princeton professor Robert P. George, who sits on the president's bioethics commission, who says: 'I have great sympathy for Mr. Fox and other victims of Parkinson's and similarly horrible diseases. I understand how desperately he hopes for a cure for what afflicts him and so many others. I have seen members of my own family suffer, and I too want to hasten the day when the great engine of science conquers the diseases that cause so much suffering. But the fact that Mr. Fox is a victim is not a license for him to mislead or manipulate the public.

Dittoheads, dildoheads one and the same. How nice of you to side with an OxyContin snacking, limp dick viagra gobbling moronic ass-zit. You should do a little reading on your own and stop relying on a hillybilly heroin junkie for information.
I am sure that Michael J. Fox is far more informed on stem cell research than that idiot Jim Talent and that limp dick dope fiend Limbaugh.
The proposal is about setting standards and to allow research to continue without interferance from morons like Talent and his kind.
I personaly have hope in stem cell as it is showing that it may be the key to cure AIDS. To hell with those who wish to put an end to the greatest medical advancement ever known. The lives of millions hinges on the breakthrough research that will come from stem cells.
Here, this is the proposal.

Be it resolved by the people of the state of Missouri that the Constitution be amended:

One new section is adopted by adding one new section to be known as section 38(d) of Article III to read as follows:

Section 38(d). 1. This section shall be known as the “ Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative.”

2. To ensure that Missouri patients have access to stem cell therapies and cures, that Missouri researchers can conduct stem cell research in the state, and that all such research is conducted safely and ethically, any stem cell research permitted under federal law may be conducted in Missouri, and any stem cell therapies and cures permitted under federal law may be provided to patients in Missouri, subject to the requirements of federal law and only the following additional limitations and requirements:

(1) No person may clone or attempt to clone a human being.

(2) No human blastocyst may be produced by fertilization solely for the purpose of stem cell research.

(3) No stem cells may be taken from a human blastocyst more than fourteen days after cell division begins; provided, however, that time during which a blastocyst is frozen does not count against the fourteen-day limit.

(4) No person may, for valuable consideration, purchase or sell human blastocysts or eggs for stem cell research or stem cell therapies and cures.

(5) Human blastocysts and eggs obtained for stem cell research or stem cell therapies and cures must have been donated with voluntary and informed consent, documented in writing.

(6) Human embryonic stem cell research may be conducted only by persons that, within 180 days of the effective date of this section or otherwise prior to commencement of such research, whichever is later, have

(a) provided oversight responsibility and approval authority for such research to an embryonic stem cell research oversight committee whose membership includes representatives of the public and medical and scientific experts;

(b) adopted ethical standards for such research that comply with the requirements of this section; and

(c) obtained a determination from an Institutional Review Board that the research complies with all applicable federal statutes and regulations that the Institutional Review Board is responsible for administering.

(7) All stem cell research and all stem cell therapies and cures must be conducted and provided in accordance with state and local laws of general applicability, including but not limited to laws concerning scientific and medical practices and patient safety and privacy, to the extent that any such laws do not (i) prevent, restrict, obstruct, or discourage any stem cell research or stem cell therapies and cures that are permitted by the provisions of this section other than this subdivision (7) to be conducted or provided, or (ii) create disincentives for any person to engage in or otherwise associate with such research or therapies and cures.

3. Any person who knowingly and willfully violates in this state subdivision (1) of subsection 2 of this section commits a crime and shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of up to fifteen years or by the imposition of a fine of up to two hundred fifty thousand dollars, or by both. Any person who knowingly and willfully violates in this state subdivisions (2) or (3) of subsection 2 of this section commits a crime and shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of up to ten years or by the imposition of a fine of up to one hundred thousand dollars, or by both. A civil action may be brought against any person who knowingly and willfully violates in this state any of subdivisions (1) through (6) of subsection 2 of this section, and the state in such action shall be entitled to a judgment recovering a civil penalty of up to fifty thousand dollars per violation, requiring disgorgement of any financial profit derived from such violation, and/or enjoining any further such violation. The attorney general shall have the exclusive right to bring a civil action for such violation. Venue for such action shall be the county in which the alleged violation occurred.

4. Each institution, hospital, other entity, or other person conducting human embryonic stem cell research in the state shall (i) prepare an annual report stating the nature of the human embryonic stem cells used in, and the purpose of, the research conducted during the prior calendar year, and certifying compliance with subdivision (6) of subsection 2 of this section; and (ii) no later than June 30 of the subsequent year, make such report available to the public and inform the Secretary of State how the public may obtain copies of or otherwise gain access to the report. The report shall not contain private or confidential medical, scientific, or other information. Individuals conducting research at an institution, hospital, or other entity that prepares and makes available a report pursuant to this subsection 4 concerning such research are not required to prepare and make available a separate report concerning that same research. A civil action may be brought against any institution, hospital, other entity, or other person that fails to prepare or make available the report or inform the Secretary of State how the public may obtain copies of or otherwise gain access to the report, and the state in such action shall be entitled as its sole remedy to an affirmative injunction requiring such institution, hospital, other entity, or other person to prepare and make available the report or inform the Secretary of State how the public may obtain or otherwise gain access to the report. The attorney general shall have the exclusive right to bring a civil action for such violation.

5. To ensure that no governmental body or official arbitrarily restricts funds designated for purposes other than stem cell research or stem cell therapies and cures as a means of inhibiting lawful stem cell research or stem cell therapies and cures, no state or local governmental body or official shall eliminate, reduce, deny, or withhold any public funds provided or eligible to be provided to a person that (i) lawfully conducts stem cell research or provides stem cell therapies and cures, allows for such research or therapies and cures to be conducted or provided on its premises, or is otherwise associated with such research or therapies and cures, but (ii) receives or is eligible to receive such public funds for purposes other than such stem cell-related activities, on account of, or otherwise for the purpose of creating disincentives for any person to engage in or otherwise associate with, or preventing, restricting, obstructing, or discouraging, such stem cell-related activities.

6. As used in this section, the following terms have the following meanings:

(1) “Blastocyst” means a small mass of cells that results from cell division, caused either by fertilization or somatic cell nuclear transfer, that has not been implanted in a uterus.

(2) “Clone or attempt to clone a human being” means to implant in a uterus or attempt to implant in a uterus anything other than the product of fertilization of an egg of a human female by a sperm of a human male for the purpose of initiating a pregnancy that could result in the creation of a human fetus, or the birth of a human being.

(3) “Donated” means donated for use in connection either with scientific or medical research or with medical treatment.

(4) “Fertilization” means the process whereby an egg of a human female and the sperm of a human male form a zygote (i.e., fertilized egg).

(5) “Human embryonic stem cell research,” also referred to as “early stem cell research,” means any scientific or medical research involving human stem cells derived from in vitro fertilization blastocysts or from somatic cell nuclear transfer. For purposes of this section, human embryonic stem cell research does not include stem cell clinical trials.

(6) “In vitro fertilization” means fertilization of an egg with a sperm outside the body.

(7) “Institutional Review Board” means a specially constituted review board established and operating in accordance with federal law as set forth in 42 U.S.C. 289, 45 C.F.R. Part 46, and any other applicable federal statutes and regulations, as amended from time to time.

(8) “Permitted under federal law” means, as it relates to stem cell research and stem cell therapies and cures, any such research, therapies, and cures that are not prohibited under federal law from being conducted or provided, regardless of whether federal funds are made available for such activities.

(9) “Person” means any natural person, corporation, association, partnership, public or private institution, or other legal entity.

(10) “Private or confidential medical, scientific, or other information” means any private or confidential patient, medical, or personnel records or matters, intellectual property or work product, whether patentable or not and including but not limited to any scientific or technological innovations in which an entity or person involved in the research has a proprietary interest, prepublication scientific working papers, research, or data, and any other matter excepted from disclosure under Chapter 610, RSMo, as amended from time to time.

(11) “Solely for the purpose of stem cell research” means producing human blastocysts using in vitro fertilization exclusively for stem cell research, but does not include producing any number of human blastocysts for the purpose of treating human infertility.

(12) “Sperm” means mature spermatozoa or precursor cells such as spermatids and spermatocytes.

(13) “Stem cell” means a cell that can divide multiple times and give rise to specialized cells in the body, and includes but is not limited to the stem cells generally referred to as (i) adult stem cells that are found in some body tissues (including but not limited to adult stem cells derived from adult body tissues and from discarded umbilical cords and placentas), and (ii) embryonic stem cells (including but not limited to stem cells derived from in vitro fertilization blastocysts and from cell reprogramming techniques such as somatic cell nuclear transfer).

(14) “Stem cell clinical trials” means federally regulated clinical trials involving stem cells and human subjects designed to develop, or assess or test the efficacy or safety of, medical treatments.

(15) “Stem cell research” means any scientific or medical research involving stem cells. For purposes of this section, stem cell research does not include stem cell clinical trials.

(16) “Stem cell therapies and cures” means any medical treatment that involves or otherwise derives from the use of stem cells, and that is used to treat or cure any disease or injury. For purposes of this section, stem cell therapies and cures does include stem cell clinical trials.

(17) “Valuable consideration” means financial gain or advantage, but does not include reimbursement for reasonable costs incurred in connection with the removal, processing, disposal, preservation, quality control, storage, transfer, or donation of human eggs, sperm, or blastocysts, including lost wages of the donor. Valuable consideration also does not include the consideration paid to a donor of human eggs or sperm by a fertilization clinic or sperm bank, as well as any other consideration expressly allowed by federal law.

7. The provisions of this section and of all state and local laws, regulations, rules, charters, ordinances, and other governmental actions shall be construed in favor of the conduct of stem cell research and the provision of stem cell therapies and cures. No state or local law, regulation, rule, charter, ordinance, or other governmental action shall (i) prevent, restrict, obstruct, or discourage any stem cell research or stem cell therapies and cures that are permitted by this section to be conducted or provided, or (ii) create disincentives for any person to engage in or otherwise associate with such research or therapies and cures.

8. The provisions of this section are self-executing. All of the provisions of this section are severable. If any provision of this section is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or unconstitutionally enacted, the remaining provisions of this section shall be and remain valid.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
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less promising embryonic research

Research cannot be promising before it exists.

The theory, on the other hand, is extremely promising. Research is needed to validate, expand, and apply the theory, but since there's no funding the research cannot procede and the theory gathers dust.

It ought not be the job of policy wonks to decide with a fine tooth comb which academics get researched and which do not--that is a job that academic wonks are much better suited toward.


Don't you believe that people devastated with Parkinsons like MJF would be more likely to derive more immediate benefits from funding adult stem cell research?

If immediate benefit was all that mattered we'd quit the research and distribute the funds directly to sufferers. No, you didn't think that question through.
My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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less promising embryonic research


Research cannot be promising before it exists.

It does exist. $ Billions have been spent on embryotic with very little results. To say it doesn't only means you haven't read what I've written or are otherwise poorly informed.


The theory, on the other hand, is extremely promising. Research is needed to validate, expand, and apply the theory, but since there's no funding the research cannot procede and the theory gathers dust.

It is being done. Why do you continue to insist it isn't?


It ought not be the job of policy wonks to decide with a fine tooth comb which academics get researched and which do not--that is a job that academic wonks are much better suited toward.

Who should decide?

Don't you believe that people devastated with Parkinsons like MJF would be more likely to derive more immediate benefits from funding adult stem cell research?


If immediate benefit was all that mattered we'd quit the research and distribute the funds directly to sufferers. No, you didn't think that question through.

I didn't say immediate benefit was all that mattered. Even if it did, why should someone with Parkinsons be entitled to any govt. money? I said the bulk of the funding should be spent on the research which is getting the most results.


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California is currently spending $6 billion of taxpayers money on embryonic research which is not proving to be viable

$6 billion being put to great use. You take one article and call it the truth when the truth is that a failure is not the end but another starting point. MJF is not just pushing for Parkinson, he is pushing for a cure to all illnesses. Stem cell research may someday cure the worst illnesses known to humankind. To end research based on a failure to get a result would be a crime. A failure is anything but, it is a positive result and shows that another route must then be taken. If all scientist gave up because the results were anything but what was initially desired humankind would not had advanced to the point that we are today. A negative in research is a positive and shows that the work is not done and that more needs to be done in search of the desired outcome. Adult and embryonic stem cell research must continue as the hopes of millions living today and the millions of the future depends on it.

T-cells Developed From Human Embryonic Stem Cells
June 30, 2006 - Stem Cell Research News
Researchers have demonstrated for the first time that human embryonic stem cells can be genetically manipulated and coaxed to develop into mature T-cells, raising hopes for a gene therapy to combat AIDS.

The study, published by scientists from the UCLA AIDS Institute and the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Medicine this week in the online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that it is possible to convert human embryonic stem cells into blood-forming stem cells that in turn can differentiate into the helper T-cells that HIV specifically targets.

T-cells are one of the body’s main defenses against disease.

The results mark the first time that scientists have been able to derive T-cells out of human embryonic stem cells, said Zoran Galic, assistant research biologist, and lead researcher on the study.

“This tells you that you may be able to use human embryonic stem cells to treat T cell and other blood diseases. This could be a very important weapon in the fight against AIDS,” Galic said.

In their study, the researchers cultured human embryonic stem cells, which were incubated on mouse bone marrow support cells, which in turn converted them into blood forming cells.

Those cells were then injected into a human thymus gland that had been implanted in a mouse, and the thymus then changed those blood-forming cells into T-cells.

Located just above the heart in humans, the thymus is the organ where T-cells develop. It gradually shrinks in adults, weakening the immune system over time.

These results indicate that it is possible to decipher the signals that control the development of embryonic stem cells into mature T-cells, said study co-author Jerome Zack, associate director of the UCLA AIDS Institute, and professor of medicine and of microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

“That way we can eventually repopulate the immune system in patients needing T-cells,” Zack said.

This in turn could give rise to gene therapy approaches to treat other diseases involving T-cells.

In addition to HIV, for instance, the technique could be used to treat severe combined immunodeficiency, or the “bubble boy disease,” which leaves its victims without a working immune system, forcing them to a life in an antiseptic, germ-free environment.

Other researchers who participated in this study are Scott G. Kitchen, Amelia Kacena, Aparna Subramanian, Bryan Burke and Ruth Cortado, all with the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

The National Institutes of Health funded the study, which is available at http://www.pnas.org/papbyrecent.shtml.

Contact: Jerome Zack, 310-794-7765, [email protected]
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
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Rush is a fatfuck. Not only is he a fatfuck but he is also an oxy eating fatfuck. Not only that he is also a limpdick moron who has to shovel truckloads of viagra up his fatfuck ass to get an erection so that he can masturbate to his own picture. If there is a bashfest on Rush the OxyViagra Pig, I'm there!!!

Gee, where is all of that love that you supposedly posess?

No love nor compassion for the likes of Limbaugh. He is a national disgrace.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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It is being done. Why do you continue to insist it isn't?

It takes an ability to process large numbers, and to understand the time involved to complete research.

Embryonic stem cell research is not something you buy off the shelf. It takes time, and it takes more than $6B. There are network effects of spending more money--the return on spending money goes up the more you spend. Likewise in time. The more time you invest, the more your return on time.

How much do you think has been spent on adult stem cell research? Go ahead, lowball a number.
My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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Great!! I'm glad embryonic is yielding at least one potential use. We should continue with the research and if any new discoveries come from it, we should dedicate more resources to continuing that reasearch line.

Back to this thread.

Don't you find MJF's ad a little disingenious by trying to portray Michael Steele as being against stem cell research when the truth is Cardin, the Democrat is the one who voted against funding and Steele voted for it?


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It is being done. Why do you continue to insist it isn't?


It takes an ability to process large numbers, and to understand the time involved to complete research.

Embryonic stem cell research is not something you buy off the shelf. It takes time, and it takes more than $6B. There are network effects of spending more money--the return on spending money goes up the more you spend. Likewise in time. The more time you invest, the more your return on time.

Who said it only takes $6 billion. That's how much California spent just last year.


How much do you think has been spent on adult stem cell research? Go ahead, lowball a number.

Now you are just getting whiney and looking for a point to agrue. Why would I lowball a number? I have no idea how much has been spent on each, do you? I do know which one hold out the most hope currently.




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Now you are just getting whiney and looking for a point to agrue.

You're right, there is no merit in discussing the present investment in two resources under comparison. It's pure barratry. Good night.
My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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Don't you find MJF's ad a little disingenious by trying to portray Michael Steele as being against stem cell research when the truth is Cardin, the Democrat is the one who voted against funding and Steele voted for it?

Steele is in support of cells being extracted from embryos that will not be harmed yet, that technology is not yet doable. MJF is in support of current technology and future technology. The mass majority of embryonic stem cells come from embryos in fertility clinics that are to be discarded. Politicians such as Talent and Steele have said nothing about these embryos that are slated to go into a medical waste bin yet will scream about harvesting the stem cells before so. Steele voted for a bill that limits embryonic stem cell research. Cardin voted against this realizing that the bill is a set back on research and in fact is an attempt to eventually stop all embryonic stem cell research untill the cells can be harvested without damage to an embryo (embryos that are slated to be destroyed). Cardin did the right thing. Unfortunately it passed and Bush signed it into law. Again, the mass majority of the embryos that the cells are harvested from would had never been placed in a womb but, into a medical waste bin.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Or are you one of those Liberals who believes the Govt. has unlimited deep pockets? :o


A quick look at actual data reveals that government spending and debt goes up more under "conservative" administrations. Not that facts should affect your opinions.:P

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Or are you one of those Liberals who believes the Govt. has unlimited deep pockets? :o


A quick look at actual data reveals that government spending and debt goes up more under "conservative" administrations. Not that facts should affect your opinions.:P

See there, as soon as I make a suggestion on how to reduce spending, you criticize it. Freekin Liberals, geez... :P


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Now you are just getting whiney and looking for a point to agrue.

You're right, there is no merit in discussing the present investment in two resources under comparison. It's pure barratry. Good night.

What I've learned from arguing with many people, particularly liberals, is that unless I am willing to take the most extreme position on an issue, I'm automatically uncaring and a _____(fill in blank)_______

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Now you are just getting whiney and looking for a point to agrue.

You're right, there is no merit in discussing the present investment in two resources under comparison. It's pure barratry. Good night.

What I've learned from arguing with many people, particularly liberals, is that unless I am willing to take the most extreme position on an issue, I'm automatically uncaring and a _____(fill in blank)_______

...closet eater of vegemite.

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Pretend I have 2 savings accounts.

The first account, with Adult Bank has $2000 in it earning 3% APY and the other, with Embryonic Bank has $1000 in it earning 5% APY.

Lo and behold, I am making more money off of the Adult account, and it will be that way for quite some time.

But I would still transfer all of my money into the Embryonic account if I could.
My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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Not to mention that Fox is misleading at best and lying at worst but, since you think his message is the true word you defend him and, as Coulter has correctly said, you consider him untouchable because he has an illness and we should be nice to him.

Fuck that!!
He threw himself into the political area to put forth his message. And you think because he has an illness he is hands off?? FUCK that too!!

I don't know whether Fox is lying or not, but my gut feeling is he's not. I applaud him for putting the illness into the nation's conscious so that research has a chance to be accelerated.

As a character in Shawshank Redemption said... "Get busy living, or get busy dying." Fox has chosen the former.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Pretend I have 2 savings accounts.

The first account, with Adult Bank has $2000 in it earning 3% APY and the other, with Embryonic Bank has $1000 in it earning 5% APY.

Lo and behold, I am making more money off of the Adult account, and it will be that way for quite some time.

But I would still transfer all of my money into the Embryonic account if I could.

A more accurate analogy would have one account paying 10% and the other paying .05%. Which account would you put most of your money into?


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Not to mention that Fox is misleading at best and lying at worst but, since you think his message is the true word you defend him and, as Coulter has correctly said, you consider him untouchable because he has an illness and we should be nice to him.

Fuck that!!
He threw himself into the political area to put forth his message. And you think because he has an illness he is hands off?? FUCK that too!!

I sincerely wish that everyone against stem cell research has a child who has alzhimers, parkinsons, or becomes paralized from the neck down. I bet we would see a huge change in public sentiment about stem cell research and force politicians to get the fuck out of the way of science and go back to ruining the country through uncontrolled spending.

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