
Zarqawi Reward

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I looked around only briefly and found only this article about what will happen with the reward. Here the quote:

Unclear was whether a $25 million reward for information leading to Zarqawi's death or capture would be paid; Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, told CNN that the information on Zarqawi came from captured al-Qaida in Iraq sympathizers questioned by Americans. But Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki told Iraqi television that the reward would be "honored."

Would that mean $25 Mio will be paid to an al-Qaida member?

Some previously posted article speculated that the old al-Qaida
delivered Zarqawi since he seemed to become a liability for
the organization. But here's another speculation you may entertain:

The (al-Qaida inspired) insurgency was in dire straits for money and
Zarqawi took one for the team. Thanks to your tax US $'s they can
now buy more guns and explosives. :S

Cheers, T
Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true

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A US military spokesman said this morning that isn't unclear right now whether reward money will actually be paid. Sounds like Jordan caught a mid level operative at the border, and he's the one that coughed up the info. Can't imagine them paying reward money to that guy.
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Asides from the captured operative, why do any of these people need to be paid (millions of dollars) for info? Why do they not do it to advance the end of the agression?
Seems to me that they care not about their country but care only about striking it rich. Didn't a nephew of Saddam collect after turning in the sons whom he sheltered and also fought along side of.
If I were to discovered that the guy down the road was planning an attack and turned him in, should I expect to reap millions or should I be happy just knowing that I helped my country?


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I think the whole idea is to promote dissension in their ranks, and give someone a reason to break.

So what is to stop the insurgency from using this as a way to garner funds? Pass info send a few on their way to martyrville and then funnel the cash back into the insurgency.
If the Iraqis really cared they would do it for no cash reward but because they truely love their country. I think those who are not part of the insurgency would take the cash and get as far away from Iraq as possible and never return.
I wonder why every able bodied man and woman in Iraq do not take up arms against the insurgents.


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