My, my, isn't the US a great place?

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Thanks to Bush and his Republican friends, we are currently running a record deficit. That means the US is living way beyond its means already. The US government is borrowing $1.64Billion every day while it cut taxes for the richest Americans and wages an optional and expensive war started for Bush's political gain.

I don't think you need to be lecturing anyone about how the poor expect handouts

again, what do you propose we do to fix this problem? unless you think you can stop a war then another solution is needed. i am all ears?

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again, what do you propose we do to fix this problem? unless you think you can stop a war then another solution is needed. i am all ears?

Oh my friend I think you just opened another can of worms because all your gonna here now is "Impeach Bush" or pull out of Iraq now. There will be no real solutions of any detail on how to fix anything from the other side. Just a bunch rhetoric.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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oh, i realize what will come and did it intentionally. the best thing about people that base their premises on emotion is that they can't back it up with facts. if anyone want to let this deteriorate into something other than what kallend posted then that is their choice.

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i am leaving the country for 8 days and will eagerly look forward to seeing all posts when i return. especially the one about ebsb252 and his choice to renounce his citizenship. the check will be waiting....as well as the network tv stations in washington d.c.:D

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Thanks to Bush and his Republican friends, we are currently running a record deficit. That means the US is living way beyond its means already. The US government is borrowing $1.64Billion every day while it cut taxes for the richest Americans and wages an optional and expensive war started for Bush's political gain.

I don't think you need to be lecturing anyone about how the poor expect handouts

again, what do you propose we do to fix this problem? unless you think you can stop a war then another solution is needed. i am all ears?

I run my life without running up debts for my children and grandchildren to pay off. Maybe the US Government could try doing the same thing.

If YOU want a war, YOU should pay for it. I don't see why my kids should pay for a war that Bush started under false pretenses.

Try re-reading the State of the Union Address, January 2003, to see the justification that Bush gave the public and Congress for his war, and see how much of that "justification" has turned out to be simply false.

The war in Iraq was optional, not necessary. It has cost some 2,000 US lives and hundreds of $billions. We are NOT better off on account of it - quite the reverse.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Do I hold the cost of other wars against past generations? NOPE, This is not our first war, and it wont be our last. Regardless if you agree with the presidents reasons, it was still his and others choice to go. We voted as a nation for him to be our president. Its funny how everyone was so for the war right after Sept 11, but once the blood of OUR innocent has been washed away all else fades in eyes of people like you. This war was started for varies reasons. Nothing is black and white. It has cost lives yes you are right, but if someone is in the military it is a given that they MAY go to war and if someone goes to war it is a GIVEN that they may die. It is not up to them to decide if they want to go to war, they made that choice when they signed up. Although it saddens me to learn of lives lost, I also know that the men and women who die in the line of duty DIED protecting me and my children. They died for there country, and although it is sad it is a chance they took when they took the oath to protect our freedom.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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It used to be a great place before our elite communist party-style congress turned inward away from the people. Now they only care about their own mega retirement and health care. Filling their war chests with money from corporate America keeps these assholes going. They love to see dissent and unrest among us poor slobs so they can carry on business as usual (I bet they love Speakers Corner). Trouble is, short of a revolution, how do we take this place back?

What a dink, modifying my words. Simple things - simple minds

Not hardly kid. It was not intentional. Just what do you mean by dink? For some of us it's like gook or other hate words.EDITED TO: ADD BTW don't go back to school. It sounds like some liberal commie pinko got your soul the first time. You need to develop some good work ethics and prepare for a dismal future.

Kid? I could be a grandfather, berley, but still a gramp and I'm a kid..... :S

It was not intentional.

Uh, ok. You modified my words and posted them as mine - be man enough to admit it......... Don't flatter yourself comrade. All you get is my name, rank, and serial number.

Just what do you mean by dink?

I'm thinking of how many ways that can be taken.

For some of us it's like gook or other hate words.

Wouldn't that be, "Chink?" Quit weakly attempting to make yourself a victim - you know what I meant......... No, I don't know what you meant.
Dink is a term to describe my adversary 6 months out of college with a BA in Sociology (Ironic, ain't it?) Would North Vietnamese or Viet Cong ring a bell. Victim my ass, I was too busy trying to kill these poor people to be a victim. I got hit the first tour, but I was never a victim. Unfortunately some described the whole Vietnamese population as dinks.

BTW don't go back to school. It sounds like some liberal commie pinko got your soul the first time.

Instead of aimless rhetoric, why not discuss what makes an American conservative and what makes a, "liberal commie pinko" and the merits of each. I'm sure you are inable......... Would you really listen? Let your fingers search with the keys. How about Ronald Reagan and Hillary in 2008 websites?

You need to develop some good work ethics and prepare for a dismal future.

Why, I'm working on my second degree and I'm entering a very lucrative field - life will be great.......... Does this mean some kind of government give-away entitlement positon? 2008 is coming up quick.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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If YOU want a war, YOU should pay for it.

And you can pay for all the B/S social programs that the US seems to always have money for no matter what the deficit is.

If it were a either/or choice, I certainly would rather pay for the bullshit social programs.

"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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If it were a either/or choice, I certainly would rather pay for the bullshit social programs

Best part of it all is its not multible choice YOU pay for the war everyday you go to work, by living in this country, YOU help kill all those people in this horrible horrible war. YOU should be ashamed of yourself for funding such a operation, maybe you should move... I hear south america is a great place to live
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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maybe you should move... I hear south america is a great place to live

Now now, I think we are getting way off base from were this thread started. I dont want anybody to have to move, or revoke citizenship or anything like that. This is supposed to be a simple discusion on some policies and some including me get wound up sometimes. She has every right to her opinion and I will never have a problem with that. From the look at some other threads lately I can honestly say that some of the people here really dont like each other. I just hope that after all the things that I say on here that if I ever show up to the DZ where you call home we can still go up and play. After all I just want to jump on the weekends, not be wrapped up in a heayed debate with someone to the point that they want to try to kick my ass when I show up.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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If it were a either/or choice, I certainly would rather pay for the bullshit social programs

Best part of it all is its not multible choice YOU pay for the war everyday you go to work, by living in this country, YOU help kill all those people in this horrible horrible war. YOU should be ashamed of yourself for funding such a operation, maybe you should move... I hear south america is a great place to live

Thanks for the thought. I, however, choose to stay and work to kick out the traitors. I hope to avoid being dragged into an alley and beaten, but I will continue to support this great country.

BTW, I'm just curious. Are you employed?

"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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and I am entitled to my opinions which I stand by, if you dont like something CHANGE it , if you can change it DEAL WITH IT, if you cant deal with it THEN GET RID OF IT,

Skydiving is like sex, if I dont like the person it aint happening, besides the fact I am not able to jump with others, I can say that I would not be in the air with someone I am not friends with, however that has nothing to do with this topic.

I do not hate anyone , however I do not always agree with others opinions nor do I have to be friends with everyone on here. This is a place to argue ones feelings and beliefs.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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This is a place to argue ones feelings and beliefs.

Yeah but I think some are just getting a little to wound up and starting to get personal which I dont think resolves anything except really pissing people off. Thats all I'm trying to say.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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If it were a either/or choice, I certainly would rather pay for the bullshit social programs.

If you dont mind me asking, when would war be appropriate in your world?

That's a good question. In all sincerity, I can't honestly say that the Iraq war is 'inappropriate'. Perhaps there is some justification in showing the world that we are not going to sit idly by and be attacked with impunity. Will our efforts be successful in this ...I don't know. I do believe that if you are going to war, then, by god, go to war and get the job done!

I can even understand the administrations need to claim WMD and ties to terrorism a necessary fiction, although it does amaze me that there are people stupid enouth to actually believe it.

What I strongly object to is lying to American citizens and the massive govt invasions into freedoms and due process. I strongly object to the govt having free access to the library books I check out. Mention "terrorist' and the Bill of Rights goes up in smoke. Without any judicial process, you've got the govt jackboots so far up your ass, your breath smells like shoe polish.

I also object to the stupid fucking idiots who buy into this and want to drag law biding citizens into alleys and beat them for exercising free speech.

I fear the directions this country has taken and have decided to, at the very least, confront these people when they embarass this nation with their rhetoric.

"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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It has not been determined if burning a flag is YOUR right, and if your waiting for a anyone to come into the govt that tells the truth about everything youll be dead waiting. Its called accepting the lesser of two evils.

At the least it is not legal to burn a flag in public for the arsen aspect. If people believe burning the american flag has any impact on what our leaders do then there naive,

This is the wrong thread for this topic, as we both know this topic is in other threads, or is it just easier for you to say the same thing in all threads?
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I can even understand the administrations need to claim WMD and ties to terrorism a necessary fiction, although it does amaze me that there are people stupid enouth to actually believe it.

I have one theory on why they knew Iraq had weapons, because we sold them to him. Sounds kinda shitty but at one time he was fighting Iran who we didnt like. But thats an entirely different thread.


Mention "terrorist' and the Bill of Rights goes up in smoke. Without any judicial process

Please tell me what civil liberties you have been stripped of since the Patriot Act became law. Call Bill Oreilly, he has been wanting to interview someone who's been violated since the Patriot Act.


What I strongly object to is lying to American citizens and the massive govt invasions into freedoms and due process.

What american has not been given due process? I need that name.


I also object to the stupid fucking idiots who buy into this and want to drag law biding citizens into alleys and beat them for exercising free speech.

Where and who does this? I'm sorry but I lost you on that one hun.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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It has not been determined if burning a flag is YOUR right,

Sigh. Yes it has actually http://www.law.duke.edu/curriculum/appellateAdvocacy/decision.html

The fact that you did not know this, pretty much supports opinions of your writings.


At the least it is not legal to burn a flag in public for the arsen aspect. If people believe burning the american flag has any impact on what our leaders do then there naive,

What we do has no impact, so you want to beat us up? MY, my my. ;)


This is the wrong thread for this topic, as we both know this topic is in other threads, or is it just easier for you to say the same thing in all threads?

Where is that eye rolling icon?
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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It has not been determined if burning a flag is YOUR right, and if your waiting for a anyone to come into the govt that tells the truth about everything youll be dead waiting. Its called accepting the lesser of two evils.

At the least it is not legal to burn a flag in public for the arsen aspect. If people believe burning the american flag has any impact on what our leaders do then there naive,

This is the wrong thread for this topic, as we both know this topic is in other threads, or is it just easier for you to say the same thing in all threads?

On the whole I think it better for the people to have rights, rather than privileges granted by the government. Why do you want the government to be able to control ever more of what you can and cannot do?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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