
Dad in Israel

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There has been some talk on here about the Israeli Army and I just wanted to let everyone know that my lucky ass Dad is over there right now hanging out with them. He is former military (Airborne Ranger) and is now a stockbroker. He was invited by his old army buddies to go over there and make a jump with the Israeli Army as well as do a little training. I am so jealous that he got to go and would have gone myself, but I just started a new job.

I received some emails today of what he has been doing and it sounds like fun.

I will post them if anyone is interested. The emails really give a good idea of what kind of a place it is.


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My dad heads down there a couple times a year to plan US-Israeli military exercises. Used to fly with them when he was active duty, and there are some crazy mofos in the IAF!

I got a strong urge to fly, but I got no where to fly to. -PF

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That's awesome. It sounds like a hell of a place.

Here is another picture and the 1st email he wrote to my mom. There are some spelling errors, but he was in a hurry.


Hi Baby! Glad you got the e-mail! Please fwd this to Clint, George, Gus and Walter at work.

Got picked up at the airport by the Army, the Ministry of Tourisim and Bernie. The plane was running late and right after I cleared customs and before I could change into "appropriate" gear we immediately took off in a two vehicle convoy and headed north to the Syrian border. We were to attend a special ceremony at the site of the Israeli 7th Battalion's famous battle of the 1973 war in the Golan Heights at a place called the Valley of the Tears. It is an incredible story of amazing courage as the Israeli 7th held off the Syrian and Jordanian armor attack with tanks that were out of ammo and at one point even resulted in an Israeli tank ramming a Syrian tank. The ceremony was held in front of the burned out hull of the Syrian T-72 that marked the farthest advance of the enemy armor into the 7th's positions. As the name of the dead were read the Israeli officers started to cry and I gotta tell ya it was an emotional moment. It is a great story but more on that latter.

We left there and headed for the Lebanon border at Mutella. There right inside the wire on the Lebanon side was the flag of Hezbollah. (Ask Gus about Hezbollah). This is the only place in the world where the terrorists cannot be touched by the U.S. (The news tonight said Hezbollah claims to have thousands of rockets aimed at Israel). The Hezbollah base up on the high ground saw our two Israeli Humvees close up on the wire and they immediately sent two ratty ass looking vehicles out to see what the heck was up. Our hosts certainly were not intimidated because they were armed for bear (M4's with the back of each humvee loaded with 30 rd magazines and my driver had an M203 grenade launcher which he didn't hesitate to wave around in full view of these assholes when they came to a stop about 200 meters from the wire and started glassing us over. They could not figure what was up and the Israeli's loved it. One of the officers told me there were El Quida on the hill but when I moved a few feet over to get a better look with binoculars I could not see them. Hell Patty, THIS PLACE ROCKS!!!

I could have stayed there all day but we moved back to Tiberas and are settled into the hotel.

Earlier when I tried to e-mail you a guy walks in in civilian clothes and plops a .30 cal. M1 carbine on the front desk next to me and uses the phone. About 20 minutes ago because of a relegious deal somebody set fireworks off down the block and the music in the bar stopped, the guy at the front desk looked up, listened then shrugged and told me "no worry" and went back to work. There is a firing range next to the hotel right here in downtown Tiberas, UNDERGROUND. You can get anything you want to shoot there but it is closed right now. It is available bcause everyone is carrying around here. I TOLD you this place ROCKS!!!

OK, I am going to send this then continue with another e-mail becasue I am afraid this thing is getting overwhelmed.

Love You!


Clint D-24352

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It is available bcause everyone is carrying around here.

don't want to burst your bubble, but we really don't ;) . we (usually) run our everyday lives just as you do...

i was invited to this event also (along with a few other civilian jumpers). it was mainly to celebrate 60 years to the WWII victory as a memorial to paratroopers. there were about 80 paratroopers from around the world, including an 83 year old guy who actually jumped in WWII (i can hardly imagine myself walking at 83...)

anyway, i'm glad he had fun, and hopefully he got to see more than big guns :)
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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Don't take it the wrong way, he loved the fact that everyone had a gun.

it was pretty obvious ;) , i'm just saying that its not the wild wild west here and most people have only held a gun during their military service (which sadly, is still needed here).
i'm glad he had lots of fun and i hope you'll join him on his next trip (although all i can offer you are 2 caravans to jump from...)
"Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

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