
Democrat = secular, Republican = religious

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>realized that religion is bullshit

Well, a lot of individuals certainly give religion
a bad name. To me where it really gets off the
track the most is where people try to force their
beliefs on others.

But as a response to the awareness of our existance
it's pretty interesting.

And you don't really have to take anything on faith,
you can test it for yourself.

For example the Buddhists formulate it as: there's
a lot of suffering going on and here's its cause
and here's a way out.

Well, is it true or not?

I guess we can all agree that there's a lot of
suffering going on, but you don't have to take
anybody's word that the eight fold path is a way
out. You can try that path and see for yourself
whether it works or not.

I guess there's a practical difficulty in that this
can take quite a few life times, but if you really
want to know then maybe that's just an
implementation detail :-) :-)


On the Republican / Democrat problem it looks
to me like both the religious fundamentalists and
the corporatists have chosen the Republican
party as their vehicle for worldly power.

I wish there were a third party that stood more
for what I think; I'm not very happy with the
Democrats, but they're the most anti-Republican
vote I have so that's the boxes I've been checking


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I hope I'm not the only one who, when he reads a post by skr, can't help but hear in his head:

"Just two good ol' boys
never meanin' no harm
Beats all you never saw,
been in trouble with the law
since the day they was born

Straight'nin' their curves
Flatt'nin' their hills
Someday the mountain might get 'em
but the law never will

Makin' their wayyyyy
the only way they know how
That's just a little bit more
than the law would allow...

Am I right, there, Uncle Jesse? :D;):)
Blue skies,
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Eeeeeee ... I'm more transparent than I thought!

>Someday the mountain might get 'em
>but the law never will

It's funny you should say that. I spent my teenage
years in liquor running country with images of those
cars that stuck way up in the back when they were
empty so they would look level when carrying a

That whole scene, the drivers, the folklore, the tales
of famous chases, was part of our mythology.

>That's just a little bit more
>than the law would allow...

Well, it's not really breaking the law in order to be
a bad guy, it's just that, well, you know, a lot of
times the law doesn't exactly match the actual
situation and you have to ... kind of ... well, you know ...

Leave no turn unstoned in the pursuit of ...

Well, you know ...


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NAFTA came in in 1994...during a Democratic administration.
WHile I was a Rep. it was a Replubican bill that was around for quite awhile. Clinton just passed it, NOT "made it".

"Downsizing" also got it's start during the 90's and evolved into the "outsourcing" of today.
>>Downsizing is when a company gets smaller.
>> OUTSOURCING is when jobs go ELSEWHERE in many methods and is a kin but, worse than NAFTA style of sending our jobs to others.
I will remain PRO USA reguardless of the actions of others.

If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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NAFTA came in in 1994...during a Democratic administration.
WHile I was a Rep. it was a Replubican bill that was around for quite awhile. Clinton just passed it, NOT "made it".

Maybe now you see the stupidity that people constantly engage in: blaming a president for legislative mistakes.

Now, I don't know if NAFTA was veto-proof; but if you think it is bad, and if Clinton wasn't willing to go along with it, you have to grant that he could have vetoed it, right? And even if it was veto-proof, the mark of a man who stands up for what he believes in would be to veto it even if the veto would be doomed to be overridden. Of course, Bill Clinton was never a man with the strength of his convictions. That's where the bullshit story of how he "didn't inhale" came from. Remember? Clinton? Lying all the time? Remember?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Now, I don't know if NAFTA was veto-proof; but if you think it is bad, and if Clinton wasn't willing to go along with it, you have to grant that he could have vetoed it, right? And even if it was veto-proof, the mark of a man who stands up for what he believes in would be to veto it even if the veto would be doomed to be overridden. Of course, Bill Clinton was never a man with the strength of his convictions. That's where the bullshit story of how he "didn't inhale" came from. Remember? Clinton? Lying all the time? Remember?


Clinton was rather spineless and that's what the House Majority (rep) was relying on.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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