
Bummer Eh!

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I posted history thanks for the encouragement and the info on the strato star. I was going to go to the DZ this morning and make my first jump in 22 years. At 0500 I got called in to work! bummer eh! I was going to post how great it was to get back in the sky. Oh well looks like 22years and another week. And this next week is going to seem longer than the 22 years.

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22 years, how come ? I started jumping 24 odd years ago and after 12 jumps had the mal from hell. 28 foot conical reserve all tangled up with the Jolly Green Giant. (35' TU Lopo). Took me 23 years to get back on the bike. I'm STILL having nerve troubles, in fact I'm considering that jumping may NOT be the sport for me, thankfully the people in the sport make it doable (for me that is). After I did my AFF #1 tandem I said to the instructor words to the effect of "never let me give this up again". Since then he's been a TOTAL bastard and has kept me at it. Even past the page in my log book that says that I should give up jumping...:-)
I still have GREAT difficulty actually getting out the door. Once I'm out there, no problems...:) Apart from the usual of course. Thrashing and flailing is my all time favourite...:-)
What am I saying here ? Don't leave it too long between jumps unless you absolutely HAVE to. I missed out on 20 odd years of fun weekends and for what ? NO GOOD REASON that's what...:D
Mark F...

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Wow Mark I can see where that would unnerve a person. Its a wonder you walked away from that one.
I started jumping in 1975, A 28' double L mod, then graduated to a PC man I thought I was up town, Then a Strato Star what a new world. Square Canopy's really changed the sport. I was in the Marine Corps and we were a bunch of military guys at my DZ. When I got out I went to college, married kids the whole routine. I just couldn't justify spending the money. Your right though when your away for awhile you get used to it. But it never leaves you, its in your blood. So you young folks listen to a couple guys who lost 20 plus years of jumping Don't ever quit its a a great sport and it won't quit you even if you quit it.
At work again today but next weekend I'm jumping!
By the way I did register but my username keeps comming up anonymous so if anyone might know what I'm doing wrong, I could use the help.
Light winds soft landings

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Man, I didn't walk, as such. I RAN...:-) That episode scared the SHIT outta me.
The old Strato Star eh. My first instructor had one and he was toying with the reefing system as opposed to a slider. The reefing system was the preferred choice with the Cloud and Bill thought that it'd work just as well on a Star. Wrong...:-) You should've heard him. From what I understood his parachute was the illegitimate offspring resulting in a union between a bedsheet and a tangled ball of twine. Of course this is a public forum so I can't tell you what he _actually_ said, even if I could remember it....:-)
When you say "it won't quit you even if you quit it" you're spot on. In all the time I was away from jumping I never went more than a couple of days without thinking about it. Now I'm just pissed off that all I did was bloody well think about it when I should've been acting...PAH
Mark F...

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