
request for injured jumper

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I have request for letters of encouragement to an injured jumper. She was in her AFF jump and landed hard, broke her leg, and bruised her body. She is anxious to heal and finish AFF. A little depressed, she thinks she is the only one who messed up a landing. Anyone intrested in sending her a letter of encouragement should address it to
Melinda c/o [email protected]
Thanks, you letters will be greatly appreciated!
Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

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Are you sure that her address isn't: [email protected]?? This is because the internet provider (at least here in western Ohio) is Bright Net and my address was a bright.net before cable came.
So, to anyone interested, I believe that the internet address may actually be [email protected]
If this is incorrect, please let me know!

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I know just the guy for her! Friend of mine went to the DZ did his first AFF level one then on the level II jump came down, didn't flare and now he's got 4 more weeks in a cast, extra metal and a couple of screws in his leg. The two of them can exchange cabin fever conversations!!
Is she getting out and at least spending some time at the DZ or is it too early for that just yet? When she's up and around, she needs to get back out to the DZ. There's stuff that she can get signed off on and she doesn't need to jump in order to complete those.
Wishing her a speedy recovery!! She'll be back up soon!! Until then, she can spend some time with us, here!!

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