
equipment question?

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you can find ALL that information and some really good skydiving tips ( and instruction, too), by visiting your local drop zone/skydive center/prachuting club. why dont' you start there? you could also look up prices on teh web.. there are many dealers.

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hello. all things aside, this post makes it seem that youre pretty new to the sport skydiving and would like to learn more. Thats totally cool, and sharing skydiving info is what we do best here. But we normally have another way of going about it..
Im thinking that youre trying to figure out what youre getting into by taking up skydiving. Maybe an old friend was a jumper...? are you looking for them?
in any case, most folks rent gear at first, then buy gear when they can afford it. as far as a tandem rig, they can run around 10,000 dollars.
It is required to jump with a reserve, any fool jumping out of an airplane (notice i didnt say jumping cause BASE Jumping is related to our brand of jumping..) without a reserve shouldnt be allowed to jump. It wouldnt make sense. were in the sport to live life to its fullest, not kill ourselves b/c of a crappy pack job.
so what is your story? and why are you asking about australian team jumpers? that one really quirks my interest, considering i have a few friends who are australian and proffesional skydivers...


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ok. i have a friend named paul turner who skydives at ramblers near my home. IPSWICH. who i havent seen
in ages. the last job he had was being a scaffolder for
brisbane scaffold hire. the last known thing i know now
about paul is he works at warner bros movieworld as a
anyone know of him. get him to post on here--->
wm 25 190lbs 6.1

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