
L&B GoPro viso 2 mount

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Has anyone seen these yet or used one? There a standard viso elastic wristband but it has a slot for a GoPro wifi remote also. Kinda nice to know your camera is on, but is it unnecessary clutter and distraction on your arm? Kinda seeing what everyone thought about it? Alllllllllrrrriggghhttt GO!

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I don't have one of those but I have seen them beeing used.

I have a homemade elastic that I mount higher up on the arm away from the Viso.
I *think* what could happen is that you want to look at the altitude but by misstake look at the very similar sized and shaped remote and think "goood camera is on". And then go back to focusing on the jump.

Sometimes you et distracted and end up doing something you didn't intend to do in the first place. Such as going to the kitchen to get a glass of water and you end up opening the fridge instead.

But as I said, I don't own one and can't comment on it.

But less than 3 minutes with a sewing machine or perhaps 10 minutes of handtacking you end up with a seperate elastic you can place where you want and use at other times than skydiving.

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Sometimes you et distracted and end up doing something you didn't intend to do in the first place. Such as going to the kitchen to get a glass of water and you end up opening the fridge instead.



Two of my friends are using them, i've tried it for 3 jumps and it works just fine.
Way better than fumbling with the buttons on the case without knowing, whether the cam is recording ore not ( --> have to ask my buddies) especially with thicker gloves on winterjumps
IMHO when you get distracted by this certain item sewed next to your alti you shouln't use a camera in the first place.
but thats just me

I recommend it.

To absent friends

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