
SummerFest Fireworks

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Ok. Two posts in a row about SummerFest. Sorry. But I'm having a blast here.

They just did the fireworks display and it was about 50% longer than the July 4th display. Man, that was really cool. They just kept coming, and coming. Gene and Ira really outdid themselves,.....again. You guys are forgiven for setting off your "test" shots on random weekends late at night.


Also got to be on three multi-point 22 ways! Man those were great skydives. Max Meijer did a great job organizing and everyone flew great. Even got to go "over the top" and dock on the opposite side from exit. I love that stuff! Hope we get to do some multi-plane stuff tomorrow and Sunday.

Well, back to cranking loads tomorrow. I've had so much fun jumping this week. Looking forward to providing some fast loads for everyone to finish it out.


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