
stunts eclipse + argus

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I have a stunts eclipse rig. Need a new aad, I can not find any info if I could put a argus aad in it. I've tried to find stunts online and came up with no answers. If anyone knows where I can find the answer it would really help.

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The Argus has never been either approved or had approval withdrawn for Eclipse. There is no manufacturer in business any longer to make this decision. This is the grayest of gray areas. It is totally up to your rigger to make this call as far as I can tell.
I'm sure other opinions will pop up here shortly.

I can tell you that I repacked one for a customer. I did it reluctantly and only after I assured myself that he understood all of the issues involved. He is an AME and very knowledgeable about technical matters.

My advice to you is not to try to do this. The Eclipse is a copy of a Vector II. The Argus is not allowed in an Vector. You probably will not be able to find a rigger willing to pack it.

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Grey area indeed.

I'd rather see someone with an AAD than without.

Pick any old rig that has no current manufacturer. Unless the manual says, "We do not approve the Argus in our rigs, even though it has not been invented yet," then I'd say you're good to go.

After all, no company has demonstrated that the Argus is physically not compatible with their rigs. So if one rig (Eclipse) happens to look like some other rig (Vector II), who cares. All non-approvals seem to be based on a vague, "We don't like your kind of AAD around here, boy."

But someone should check the FAR wording and see if it technically disallows putting AAD's of the future into any rig where the rig manufacturer hasn't explicitly listed them.

A quick check shows:

105.43 says "(c) If installed, the automatic activation device must be maintained in accordance with manufacturer instructions for that automatic activation device."

That puts no requirement on the installation, only maintenance in accordance with the AAD's manufacturer.

105.45 says "(3) The tandem parachute system contains an operational automatic activation device for the reserve parachute, approved by the manufacturer of that tandem parachute system."

That's a much stricter rule for tandems -- There it makes it look like each AAD must be explicitly approved.

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I'd rather see someone with an AAD than without.

Unless it fires when it's not needed, and traps the loop to be released 'later' at some random time. Like when the jumper is in the door of the plane, or has another jumper up above them in freefall.

An AAD has to first 'do no harm', and second be of service when needed. The failure to 'do no harm' is what doomed the early AADs to be commercial failures because nobody trusted them and wanted them in their rigs (or even in another rig in the plane/sky with them).

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