
Freefall Extreme DVD

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My (extreme whuffo) brother bought me this DVD from amazon.com just based on the title. I had never heard of it. It's definitely not made for skydivers, but I enjoyed it. I had seen at least parts of it before on the Learning Channel. It basically has two documentaries. The first focuses mainly on sport skydiving and wingsuits. The second part is about how parachutes are used in many different applications. Covers everything from base jumping to para-rescue to the X-38.

It was a nice surprise. Far less whuffo-like than I expected based on the cover. Don't pick it over crosswind or good stuff, but if you have those already, it's not a bad addition.


dvd 003.jpg

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Oh I would NEVER do something like that. If any of it were to appear on the server, it would have been uploaded by someone else. Since I know that only the rightful owners of videos upload them, it would definitely have been uploaded by the company that made it. Definitely.


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This brings up an interesting topic. What kinds of things have people gotten from their whuffo friends and family that is skydiving related, but not exactly the kind of thing a skydiver would ever be caught buying.

I got an old PS1 game from my dad that is supposed to be about skydiving. It was $10. It's actually a timed button mashing game, where you don't really control anything, but when you mash the right buttons in time the people "fly" into impossible formations. Very lame. I'm so embarassed. Next.

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This brings up an interesting topic. What kinds of things have people gotten from their whuffo friends and family that is skydiving related, but not exactly the kind of thing a skydiver would ever be caught buying.

I got an old PS1 game from my dad that is supposed to be about skydiving. It was $10. It's actually a timed button mashing game, where you don't really control anything, but when you mash the right buttons in time the people "fly" into impossible formations. Very lame. I'm so embarassed. Next.

I told my sister that I wanted a closing pin necklace for Christmas. I've watched her eBay account and she bought me one a few days ago!B|

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My sister got me Parachuting, The Skydiver's Handbook for Xmas a couple years ago. Last year she got me this little cooler/chair with a note from her inside that said 'to keep your beer in at the drop zone'. That's what I've gotten from my 'whuffo-as-they-come' family.
I got nuthin

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