
JFTC thank you notes

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hey all! sorry i lag and haven't posted in just about forever. it's nice to see all the new faces!

i just wanted to take a second to say how neat it was that Jump For The Cause sent out individual thank yous. (i'm sorry if this has already been posted about, i tried to scan for it before i started a new post.)

anywho, we just got ours at my office and everyone is crowding around it to see the souvenir picture that was sent. most people gave personal checks, and so they got a letter thanking them individually. but we took the cash that was donated, and doubled it and wrote a check from the business itself, and now we have a nice letter thanking the office and a color photo of the record as well. fantastic!

we have tons of people in and out of here and it will be nice to have the positive p.r. out for folks to see.

kudos to such an awesome organization!

my mom wears her JFTC T-shirt proudly and tells everyone that city of hope was the place that saved her life and the doctors and staff there now hold a special place in her heart...and that this amazing group of skydivers are now a part of that place in her heart. it's really neat to hear her sing the praises of this huge act of generosity.

not only did JFTC pull off an outstanding event, but they maintained the highest level of professionalism and optimism throughout. our community is lucky to have a group like this representing us.

thanks JFTC!

;) Lara

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