
Cool things at your job...

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1. in cahoots with boss / bullsh!t factor is low
2. flexible hours -- nobody ever told me when to come in or leave
3. hi-rise view of chicago from my desk / panoramic windows -- thats the sears tower in my icon
4. get to work with millions of dollars worth of routers and servers
5. i'm the bofh (bastard operator from hell http://pgl.yoyo.org/bofh/)
6. excellent healthcare
7. free cell phone
8. fully stocked kitchen (no beer tho :( we had whiskey for a while) except for
9. 25 cent soda machine
10. the janitor is cool not a jumper yet but maybe soon =)

My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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-flex time, so I can be out by 2 on friday
-free breakfast 3 times a week
-free lunches at least twice a week
-very little notice to take personal time
-no one really gives me any grief
-they actually like the fact that I skydive and think its amusing and most of them say they will at least come and watch one of these days.

nope can't complain at all.


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