
What not to do when jumping with a tandem

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No, not me as the TM, but lurking it and going out to get a dock on the student as a solo jumper.

Please read, you'll either learn or laugh from it.

A girl shows up at the DZ for a tandem...let me refraise that...a HOT chick comes out to do a tandema and she wants to go with Todd (the DZO/other TM), so I ask if I can lurk and dock, he says he doesn't mind, so I manifest.

So we climb to altitude, nothing special, although we do a 0-G for a bit to entertain her and us...time to climb out. I spot, Pablito climbs out and I'm supposed to climb out next.

I grab the door frame, since I'm going to do the "camera hang" exit off of the door frame (C-182) with a foot on the strut...

So I'm climbing out, I catch the wind wrong, bang against the plane and fall off, while clawing the plane trying to get a grip somewhere...

Yup, its all on video and yup, I laughed my ass off all the way down to the ground.

All in all, that was the most I've laughed in a very long time, it was very refreshing, even if I didn't get to lurk the tandem.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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That beats me getting kicked in the crotch by a C182 cause I didn't actually fall off on that one.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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So I'm climbing out, I catch the wind wrong, bang against the plane and fall off, while clawing the plane trying to get a grip somewhere.

Hah! Getting a hold of the elevator was too tricky for ya was it?

One of our VERY experienced cameramen did something similar last summer at skills camp. I guess he used a bit too much elbow 'cause he shattered the aft window :o:o:o. thankfully, our AME was in the next hangar and the plane was only down for as long as it took to pop a new lexan in place.

PS: yes, I laughed, but WITH you, of course

Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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