
vibes for the seal

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well I thought i would have a nice quiet security watch.....but no....a little seal that looks like he got run over by a boat made his/her way to the floating wooden fender between my ship and the jetty....[:/] been lying there for close to 8 hours now.....i called around trying to see who would take the injured seal and try and help him.....the best response we recieved was to call back in morning and if the seal was still alive that they would send someone to "look at it"....but that they usually only take pups...this seal is maybe a couple years old...3 feet long 70 pounds max...but it's not a pup...[:/] I offered to get into my wetsuit and dive gear and go get the poor thing myself....but i was ordered "not to do anything".....seems the rules don't allow it....screw the rules....i'm sitting here it's now almost midnight and i have a poor little seal dying no more than 20 ft away from me...he/she has a nasty cut on the side of his/her neck and is bleeding...also has a gash in his/her flipper...i really want to go down there and get the poor thing but it's my ass if i do....and the idea of sending me between a 5000 tonne steel ship and a solid cement jetty with only a couple feet to spare isn't a risk anyone seems willing to take but me....>:( well i guess i wait till morn to see what happens...vibes for the seal.....he/she needs em...[:/]

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Hey Canuck278

Sorry, but it probably will die so maybe just put it out of it's misery. You have a kind heart but it's survival of the....well you know the story.

Of course if you were in California like me the liberlas would run over 5 pedestrians to get to the seal as fast as possible in order to save it.

This is the only place on earth that a large majority of nutty heads actually think animals have more rights than humans and thier lives are more precious than ours..........................................................silly if you ask me,

anyone for seal burgers? I like sushi myself>

Blue skies!!!!!
When in doubt......Empty the magazine!

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