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Gonna see some good times
Gonna get to ring that bell
Gonna see some good times
Some times to make up for when I'm not feeling well
I must be due some great times
'Cause right now I feel like hell

Never trust a woman who wears her pants too tight
Never trust a woman who wears her pants too tight
She might love you tomorrow
But she'll be gone tomorrow night

Come tomorrow I get my pay and I'm gonna leave this town
Come tomorrow I get my pay and I'm gonna leave this [goddamn/motherfucking] town
'Cause she don't really love me
There ain't no reason to stick around

Gonna see some good times
Gonna get to ring that bell
Gonna see some good times
Some times to make up for when I'm not feeling well
Must be due some great times
'Cause right now I feel like hell

[ad lib]
But if they don't come
Well if they never come around
If they don't come to me
If they don't come to me tonight
If they don't come to me next week
If they don't come to me next year
What the hell

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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