Don't try to be bully.

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The bullied kid who fought back was kicked out of school under the "zero tolerance" policy. The bully, whose parents stood up for his just having some "innocent fun," was allowed to graduate.

The parents of the punk-ass kid who got knocked the fuck out sued the bullied kid, his parents, and the school district for injuries that the bully suffered, including a broken nose, fractured orbital and mild concussion.

Investigation revealed that the bullied kid's uncle was once a pro wrestler. Michael Moore, upset that "The Rock" would speak at a Republican Seminar, begins filming "Getting a Peace of the Rock," which documents warmongering Republican indoctrination of the youth of America via professional wrestling, causing outbreaks of violence like that seen on this video, where large fat kids attack defenseless skinny ones with the assistance of NRA hoodlums and corporate whores.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Holy crap. That was a helluva lot of useless information. Lol j/k. That sux man. I can never understand how the law works sometimes. I betcha that runt had a high powered attorney to back up his story. Hopefully that scrawny punk @ss fool, never did that again to anyone else. We must beat "THE MAN" ~ Jack Black in "School of Rock".

How many hits of adrenaline can you take?

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wether he wins his lawsuit or not, the bully has to live the rest of his life knowing that when push came to shove, he got his block rocked.
"Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch
NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329

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This is true but do you really think he learned his lesson? Who's to say that he won't do something else worse when he's around bigger guys that will actually protect him from getting slugged again? Sometimes guys like this don't learn their lesson at all. They actually start devising better tactics that won't allow any kind of retalliation from the victim.

How many hits of adrenaline can you take?

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Bwahahah thats great, what a dumbass throwing food at someone twice your size. I bet that shit wasn't so funny after he got smacked. Goodstuff.

Also funny cuz its linked to ls1.com , Damn catfish

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Bwahahah thats great, what a dumbass throwing food at someone twice your size. I bet that shit wasn't so funny after he got smacked.

Why would anyone in their right mind try to do that to someone that is almost twice their size? And his other loser friends that were egging him on, didn't even try to defend him. Bunch of losers!

How many hits of adrenaline can you take?

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