
Streamlining IMAC for web?

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I have an old I Mac G3 350 that I want to put to use. I thought I might be able to configure it to be a web station in my house. Any body have any ideas on how to optimize it for web surfing only? I thought about reformatting the hard drive to get rid of any quirks that might have been introduced to it by the non computer savy family members that have been pounding its keys for the last 4 years, but I don't have the original disks. I do have some later model G4 boot disks. Will they work? Any recommendations would help!

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Can you say Linux, Timmy?


Good Timmy, I knew you could...


Ok, seriously, just install Linux, then its pretty simple to set it up so folks can't do shit but browse the web on it.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I'd just load OS X on it and let it go. You can use the accounts menu to create a simple finder if you want to limit it to web only, but it should run well by default. As long as it's got at least 128MB of RAM it should do beautifully.

A friend of mine has an old iMac DV G3/450 which she uses as her main internet computer with beautiful results.

The G4 boot disks you have will probably work just fine.

It'd be much easier to set up than Linux. And I say that as a full-time Linux software developer (who does all that development on a Mac) ;)
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I am not worried about people doing other stuff on it, I just want it to run as quick as possible with its limited assets. It only has 64 Mb of ram. I have it running on my network right now with 4 computers on my dsl connected network and it runs faster than my GF's old PC Notebook (which aint sayin much). I just want to know if it is worth it to reformat the HD, and what OS to install. I think OS9 might be my only option because of the RAM, but the G4 boot disks have OS9 on em, cause thats all they had when I got the G4. Any other system configs that would optimize web surfing (DZ posting) would be helpful. I want to be able to post from every room in the house! (I do have a wireless network, but I can't get a signal in the next room, so I am going to workstations!)

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