
An eagle flies again, cool story

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Very cool story,

Here is a no shit there I was story,
This actually happened yesterday (sunday)
I was in Florence Or, diving on the north jedy, after the dive I did a mock rescue and a 100 meter tired diver tow for my dive master requirements. After I completed the tow, the instructor went back to the lot to break down his gear, and the person I was towing droped down to swim back. My dry suit's wist seal was leaking pretty back. To which I elected to keep my wrist out of the water and kick on my back.

I see a bunch of sea gulls doing there thing, as i'm thinking about one of them bombing me in the face. I saw a bird that was distinctively different than the surrounding birds. It swooped in from my right, and then hovered right above me!!! A big ass bald eagle!!! Flaped once or twice, I was in too much awe to realize it thought I was food and might be tempted to try to lift me like a fish. Well, the eagle no more than 15 feet above me, flew back off to the trees.

That is the closest that I have ever been to such an incredible creature. That even includes the portland zoo.

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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