
I Wrote a Song

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I just spent a whole day day writing a song.

It's a bit on the classical side: Scalar movement, chord lead voicing, bass propulsion etc... Strings can be such a joy. B| It's a midi file. So, you can download it and play it through your computer.

Let me know what you think.


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I know it's simple, and just repeats three times. I just got a midi editor where you write the notes and the computer plays it, a very different style of composing than I'm use to. When I play guitar, rythm tracks just flow out of me spontaneously. Lately, I've been listening to 'Tublar Bells' by Paul Oldfield, and wanted to experiement with that that kind of repeating melodic figure. I also wanted to get my feet wet concerning voice leading and creating bass lines. The bass here is really too simple, but that's all the came to mind durning the initial inspiration. I would like to elaborate it, after I let it settle for a while.


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