
My Friend's Billboard WON!!

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A big thank you to everyone that voted for my friend Jenn's billboard submission for CISN-FM here in Edmonton (www.cisnfm.com and follow the links to Billboard Contest). She WON!!! Here's an email from her to everyone that took the time to vote:

I just want to pass along a great big thank you to everyone who took the time to read Michelle’s post about helping her friend and then to go and look at my billboard design for the local radio station’s billboard design contest and place a vote for me – the kind words and votes were very much appreciated! I received a call this morning from the radio station and I was awarded the grand prize! I am off to Vegas on Thursday and will be taking in the Trisha Yearwood concert on Saturday! It is such an amazing feeling, I can’t even describe it! Again, a very big thank you!

Thanks to everyone! You're awesome!


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