
Personal responsibility

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The greatest thing I learned from my parents was that I was responsible for anything that I did. They reinforced that by making me suffer through my mistakes and enjoy the spotlight in my triumphs. I was taught to accept the results of my actions. I quickly learned that stupid actions usually had a negative impact on my life.

When we make bad decisions or unfortunate circumstance magnifies a small error we make, we cannot expect others to bail us out. Stand up and deal with it. I am tired of excuses and pleas for a handout.

I hear it in all areas of life. "I couldn't come to work because of the transit strike." Don't cry when the guy that get the promotion is the one who got up 2 hours early to get to work. "Why should I have no teeth when there are people who can help?" It's called a payment plan. "I only had 6 beers, and it's only a fender bender." It could have been a dead family of four not the fender of a Buick.
Stop whining and take responsibility for what you do.

And yes, someone else is getting that promotion.


The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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"I couldn't come to work because of the transit strike."

We had one of those paralyzing snow storms up here in Boston about 10 years ago, shutting down pretty much the entire state. Skeleton crews only were asked to come in at my job. Turns out an employee left his house at 5am on cross country skis, before the call went out to stay home if you wanted to.......and 5 HOURS LATER shows up for work at 10am, and get this, apologizes for being late.

He got a raise and promotion pretty quick after that.........lol

My other ride is a RESERVE.

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