
Anyone ever injure their thumbs during a tube exit?

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Don't know how I did it, but my thumbs are both black and blue and swollen. It happened during a tube exit, I was holding on really tight, but it funneled. Went to plan B and turned points till breakoff. Didn't realize my thumbs were injured until I went to unstow my breaks. So has this ever happened to anyone else, or am I the first to have my thumbs injured during a tube exit?

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No injuries (but I've only done two) but you definitely have to be careful on those types of jumps. If it involves any kind of harness hold, I will absolutely wear gloves (of course, that might not have helped you).
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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My boyfriend did the same thing...

We're guessing it happens when you hook your thumbs under the other person's legstraps, with your fingers over the strap and thumbs under... when you get pulled away from the other person, it hyperextends the thumbs. I was warned about this on my first tube jump. The guy organizing it told me to just hook my fingers over the top of the strap, and keep my thumb out of the grip completely.

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You weren't at Elsinore, were you? I was driving down the main road near the dz (mission trail?) and a shoe fell out of the sky right in front of my car! Never did find out who it belonged to.

Probably belonged to a crwdog... we lose more shoes than anybody else! ;)
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Don't know how I did it, but my thumbs are both black and blue and swollen. It happened during a tube exit, I was holding on really tight, but it funneled. Went to plan B and turned points till breakoff. Didn't realize my thumbs were injured until I went to unstow my breaks. So has this ever happened to anyone else, or am I the first to have my thumbs injured during a tube exit?

Didn't you read the warning labels?
Y yo, pa' vivir con miedo, prefiero morir sonriendo, con el recuerdo vivo".
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