
End of Demo Jumps at NASCAR Races?

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There will be no skydiving demos at Texas this weekend. The REMAX team must be sad. NASCAR has been installing those overhead cams like they have at NFL games at NASCAR tracks. I still cant figure out how it works but all the wires, pullies and towers make skydiving impossibe. It is cool to see that camera zooming around though.






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I really don't think it adds that much to the visuals in races or football games. I guess every now and then they get a good shot, but it just doesn't seem worth it to me.

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I have done several Demo's (NASCAR and NFL) with the Camera set up in place.
We just coordinate for it to be "Cornered" so we still have 75% of the Landing area. That space is still bigger than the PRO minimums.
I think it is a good gimick for the NFL coverage, but not any thing of substance for NASCAR.
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I have done several Demo's (NASCAR and NFL) with the Camera set up in place.
We just coordinate for it to be "Cornered" so we still have 75% of the Landing area. That space is still bigger than the PRO minimums.
I think it is a good gimick for the NFL coverage, but not any thing of substance for NASCAR.

I think a lot of the footage will be used in developing video games.

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Im not at the race today but I just looked at the schedule: Looks like they "cornered" it at Texas too....Great! The fans LOVE the REMAX team.

The dignitaries highlighting the pre-race ceremonies prior to the Samsung/RadioShack 500 NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series Race:

- “God Bless Texas”: Celena Rae

- ReMax Skydive Team

- Intro to Present Colors: U.S. ARMY Color Guard

- Invocation: Dr. Roger Marsh TxARM

- National Anthem: Little Big Town

- Fly-by TOT: F15’s out of Eglin Air Force Base

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For the FSU and TN Titans football games the camera was placed at the 15 yard line and the wires went back to the spools, so we had from side line to side line and from the 15 yard line to the opposite end zone. Plenty of space.

At one of the 1.5 mile speedways we had the front grass from pit entrance to just past half way down the pit lane and from the grand stand to the pit wall, huge by even some DZ's regular landing zones.

It (the camera we worked with) only had "2" wires and moved back and forth on them to get into its various positions. The operator freaked me out during a practice jump by trying to keep the camera right in front of me, did you know they have a microphone too?:$, oops. At least it wasn't live.
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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did you know they have a microphone too?Blush, oops. At least it wasn't live.

Yeah, look at my pics, you can see the mike zip tied to the camera. I would LOVE to see the video of that!

You had better watch your mouth. NASCAR will fine you $25,000 and penalize you 25 points!:D

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