
What the bleep???

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Anyone else have issues with this tripe?
What the bleep do we know?
Some friends were recently praising this movie as if they were Amway sales people...so I watched...it's all hype! I feel like I was just taken in by the Dianetics types!!! I never thought quantum mechanics could be expounded to everything in existence!
It just disappoints me what people will believe...so long as you say it fast and it sounds impressive, with a pretty package helps too.

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No Your Hotness I would never do something like that!
I'm busting my ass knocking out service requests, server builds, intrusion detection logs, .... ok ya got me...:o
I'm thinking I'll pass on the rabbit hole version of the movie though...:S "waste of bandwidth" as you say...

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OK, I've finally figured out that "What the bleep" is the name of a movie, not a catchy thread title where you didn't want to write a cuss word. :ph34r: Now that I've googled the movie, I'm thinking this thread would be better off in SC. :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I never thought quantum mechanics could be expounded to everything in existence!
It just disappoints me what people will believe...so long as you say it fast and it sounds impressive, with a pretty package helps too.

I get where you're coming from, Normiss, but the movie was intended to show us what's possible more than indoctrinate us. I think it would be a good idea for more people to have a greater awareness of physics in general (Might help the landings!)

I have no intention of praying to Marlee Matlin any more than you do, but I did enjoy the movie. That said, I do agree that some people who are open to this kind of thinking can be roped-in to believing charlatans and evangelical lunatics. And I think it was a bad idea to have the androgenous trance-channeler in the movie. It's very hard to make a pschic look legit.

IMHO, sometimes (Only sometimes), it is more important to determine whether certain information is useful, rather than whether its source is completely credible.

That's what this one guy told me, once. ;)

Take it easy......

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