
if i won the lottery

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so the other night i laid down and thought about what i would do if i won like 100 mill in the texas megamillions and this is what i came up with in my dreams that night.

I saw myself and my brother jumping up and down, drinking heavily as we realized that now all of those toys that we still were trying to collect were ours.

Then the movie screen of my mind whited out and this is what i saw, and some how knew it was ten years later. The entrance to skydive san marcos but the old white t-bo was gone and an otter replaced it and the sign was bigger, worthy of las vegas, and in the distance i heard the sweet hum of wind being forced through a tunnel where a tree farm used to be, as i looked to the right i saw a q-tipped runway and on one side of it where there used be nothing this morning there stood a hanger and the doors gleefully split and opened, as a young man of Puerto Rican heritage who looked just a tad bit more aged since the last time i saw him came to the first plane in the hanger bay and slowly pulled out the beast of a 400 series otter that was purple and white, and moved it over to the fuel tanks to get it ready for another fun day, of doing what he loved, flying. I got a little chill thinking about my friend and the 10000 hours he had doing what he loved, while showing us the ride of our lives. I thanked god for Eddie Burgos. While tears filled my eyes and the first load started to emerge from the buildings that were somewhat massive and stood where old army buildings used to stand, i saw a man with his pony tail in his mid forties then start playing with the tandem instructors as they made their way to the plane, one female one squawked back at him and they playfully argued for a moment before she led the rest of the instructors to the plane and gave him a kiss as their day had just begun, my heart lept again and i was thankful for Eric and Teresa Butts, as the jumpers filled in and the engines whirled to life, a salt and pepper haired stocky man walked up to eric, crossed his arms and said something about "Jibba jabba" and grinned a devious grin from under his black lensed gators and watched the plane that he dedicated many hours to lift into the air, like a eagle that was so proud to fly, and the thought of my Brother Ryan Lohrer, and giggled about all the bruises that i get from his tough form of love. My mind was awash with gratitude for all of those that i had seen and could not think of how this place could not get any better, until i saw the madness of manifest. 4 twenty year old girls were frantic inside trying to figure out the way to get the planes to keep flying and then the window slid open and a hand came in with a middle finger pointed to the heavens with red gold and yellow and a smile attached to a 30 year old girl with velcro hair, and a suit with many patches from sponsors and championships won came and helped them out cause Syraya remembered what her first weekend in the box was like too, as the madness dispersed, she mad her way to the loading area with her team, holding hands with her videographer, that traded in a wingsuit for love and freefly team, and I laughed a deep laugh of appreciation for a 38 year old Ted. I looked for my friends and saw Voodew and Juju in their older years teaching kids to skydive, and Jeff and Kim, and Kyle and Jess, Adam and Aaron, teaching kids to pack and all those wonderful people I know and love just having a good ole time, I thought to myself, where am I, in this out of body experience I floated back to the tunnel to see a 56 year old man playing like his back hurt as he got dressed for the first session of the day, across from him stood an almost 40 year old me, happy and angry at the tunnel control booth cause Caleb would not start it, finally he stopped playing around as a tunnel coach that looked like college professor g I joe with a pony tail of gray hair choked him and as the wind picked up, and we lifted off the net, I grabbed Kevins foot and felt my heart soar, I woke up, and realized I had already won, cause I have friends, that I love, friends like you.

Ahh, what a wonderful world.

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And then Josh would take an English class to address his run on sentences... ;)

It is a dream you know. :P:P

And besides those online colleges don't stress writing skills so much.;)
L.A.S.T. #24
Co-Founder Biscuit Brothers Freefly Team
Electric Toaster #3
Co-Founder Team Non Sequitor
Co-Founder Team Happy Sock

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And then Josh would take an English class to address his run on sentences... ;)

It is a dream you know. :P:P

And besides those online colleges don't stress writing skills so much.;)

It's okay, Josh. From now on just forward your dreams to me, and I'll proof them for grammar and punctuation. I'm always willing to lend my services to the literarily challenged. :P

Of course, my turnaround time may be a little slower than usual because goodnplentygirl has me writing college essays for her.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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And then Josh would take an English class to address his run on sentences... ;)

It is a dream you know. :P:P

And besides those online colleges don't stress writing skills so much.;)

It's okay, Josh. From now on just forward your dreams to me, and I'll proof them for grammar and punctuation. I'm always willing to lend my services to the literarily challenged. :P

Of course, my turnaround time may be a little slower than usual because goodnplentygirl has me writing college essays for her.

So you wrote her freefalling paper? She must have thought it wasn't that great, because she sent it to me to proof right before she turned it in. :P

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I wrote that myself thank you very much!!!! >:(

Oh, did you end up doing it yourself? I'm sorry I couldn't get it to you sooner, but I've been swamped. :S
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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And you could buy more coke or speed and share it with the rest of us so we could read your damn one sentence post.:P
“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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