
Woof Woof Woof.....Hutch has tracked away.

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Woof Woof Woof......

I won't claim any more friendship than others with the Skydog. He was a good person and a great ambassador for the sport.

He loved the WFFC, Ballunarfest, Herc Boogie, SCR's and all of his buddies in Texas and Florida.

If you ever skydived with him, then you know about his love for the sport. Hell most of my skydives with him didn't work out, but damn we had a lot of fun!

I'd heard that he was sick...very sick about a year ago. His last visit to the dz was about 6-7 weeks ago.
(Skydogs have a ritual that you shake hands & spin around sniffing butts.)

He was still talking about jumping......holding at jump#1485.

And having fun and being safe is what a Skydog is all about. Woof Woof Woof. Do the serious stuff on the ground.....have fun in the air.

My last visit with Hutch was three weeks ago. We visited while Mary went to the cleaners. He knew the end was approaching. Hutch was using a walker and even though his body was wearing out, his wit was still keen.

What do you say to a dying skydiver? You talk about skydiving of course! That #1485 stuck in my head so I gave him 15 of my jumps. Skydogs can do that kind of shit.

Hutch did not know about Johnny Gates' demise.

I told him about how Johnny died.
Hutch responded "That fucker" and shaking his head slowly and smiling...."that lucky son of a bitch...died doing what he loved best...what a way to go... I just wish."

We spoke about a lot of other things. I could see that he was tiring & our visit was over... way too soon.

Mary returned and I left.

The sport has lost a kindred spirit. Hutch would want you to carry on in the skydog way.......

Woof Woof Woof!

Sometime next month after a day of jumping...... I'll buy some beer and we can tell stories around the bonfire.

Hutch would like that.

Don't go away mad....just go away!

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