
Attn: Stalkers!

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Too young for you Remi, he's mine! >:(;)

He's 24.

"Holly crap! How old is he? "

Pay attention! Rémi was asking for Walt's age.:|

Whoops! My bad! B| Since I have no interest in mothering Walt's children (nothing personal, Walt ;)), do your thang Remi!


see you should have a school girl crush on me. i'll even buy you the little outfit and everything.

Yeah, but do you look like him?! :)


I look just like that guy...I swear. Send me your number.

You look like him and you skydive!! PM with hearts and kisses attached sent! ;):):D

Now that I have some wonderful advice, the question is should I actually try it? :$

A restraining order just means I can't restrain him, right? Where's the fun in that? And what if I have really comfortable pink fluffy handcuffs?? That wouldn't be too bad, would it?

And lastly, how much bail money should I have on me in case this doesn't work? B|:ph34r:

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Now that I have some wonderful advice, the question is should I actually try it? :$

A restraining order just means I can't restrain him, right? Where's the fun in that? And what if I have really comfortable pink fluffy handcuffs?? That wouldn't be too bad, would it?

And lastly, how much bail money should I have on me in case this doesn't work? B|:ph34r:

Ummmm....any advice provided by me, regarding methods for getting onto a TV/movie set, is provided for educational purposes only. I do not advocate stalking. :P

Should you choose to ignore the above warning and try it anyway and somehow end up getting yourself caught, don't admit that the reason you snuck onto the set was to see your favorite actor. Instead, tell them you were looking for the "second assistant director" because you wanted to see if he might be willing to hire you as a "set P.A." on a "day player" basis. A set production assistant (aka set PA) is a gopher, and a day player is somebody who's not on the crew full-time but instead only works when needed. The crew members remember what it was like trying to get work early in their careers, so assuming you haven't caused any trouble, they'll probably let you go if they think you're there looking for work. They'll probably be a lot less understanding if they think you snuck onto the set to see your favorite actor. And if you have to use that "looking for work" excuse, don't be surprised if they agree to let you talk to the 2nd AD or someone else on the crew about a job--Weirder stuff has happened. Be honest that you don't have any experience. If they offer you a job, you can always turn it down later.

PS. Wear casual, seasonal clothing and comfortable shoes, similar to what you'd wear to the drop zone. Nobody will believe you're a P.A. if you're all tarted up.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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I can agree with the confidence working. I have gotten backstage at tons of concerts, just by looking professional. I was even asked to help set up and tune the guitars when I was hanging backstage with the bands (fortunately, I'm a musician, so I had no problems)

One time in particular, I was at the Warped Tour (last year infact) and I was caught backstage. A security guard approached me, and asked me to show some ID. Fortunately, I had picked up a dirty bright blue flyer off the ground, took a sharpy market and wrote "VIP" on it, and tore it until it could be a bracelet, I showed him that with confidence, he glanced at it, and apologized and walked off.

Most of the time, confidence is the key. If you remain calm when questioned and keep responses simple and confident, you should have no troubles whatsoever

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...just act like you have a purpose and like you know where you're going.

It's utterly amazing how many times this works... Hell, one time I walked right into Pac bell Stadium (near Sand Francisco, CA) in the middle of the night and ran the bases, by just walking right by the security guards with a commanding presence. I've done the same thing to get into high-cover-charge events. It's almost like using Jedi mind tricks or something, lol.

I've have in the past taken it a step farther.

Years ago, an F-14 crashed 150 feet from the building I worked in.
Of course everything was immediately cordoned off as the local, federal and military 'powers that be' took control.

I too believe in the seek forgiveness not permission adage, and walked right thought the yellow tape and past all the armed guards....SEVERAL TIMES!:)

One of the local TV camera men asked me to 'walk' him in too, which I did.

We got to talking and figured out it was the big Motorola walkie talkie on my hip, that I was carrying a clip board, and my 'official' looking baseball cap...that was getting me easy access. (Black cap with EFS in silver letters :ph34r: )

I've used those 'props' several times to get into places I probably should be! ;)

Awesome crash job in more ways than one!!!B|B|B|B|B|

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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