
Why wear hats?

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Tandem students, quite properly, wear either frap hats or nothing at all because you just can't have the TI getting smacked in the face by a student's hard helmet.

What is the difference between a "hard helmet" and the student's skull?


1. Most people have a slightly better idea of where the boundaries of their head are than where the boundaries of a hard shell helmet are, especially if they are not used to wearing the helmet.

2. The skull has a (thin) layer of softer stuff covering it. Most hard shell helmets do not.

You are right, it would be much better to get smacked in the face with the back of someones skull then a plastic Pro Tec helmet.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Tandem students, quite properly, wear either frap hats or nothing at all because you just can't have the TI getting smacked in the face by a student's hard helmet.

What is the difference between a "hard helmet" and the student's skull?


1. Most people have a slightly better idea of where the boundaries of their head are than where the boundaries of a hard shell helmet are, especially if they are not used to wearing the helmet.

2. The skull has a (thin) layer of softer stuff covering it. Most hard shell helmets do not.

You are right, it would be much better to get smacked in the face with the back of someones skull then a plastic Pro Tec helmet.

I wouldn't recommend either.

A Pro-Tec extends more than an inch behind the skull (just measured mine), so it would hit a TM's face with less rearward movement of the student's head.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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