
iHate my new iPad

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"I hate Flash on my Macs...Adobe's fault...as it is a total resource hog. My Macbook's fan comes on about 15 seconds after a Flash video starts running. Adobe has known about this for years and never fixed it. One of the major things I like about my iPad is the long battery life and Flash, in it's current incarnation, would likely kill the battery very quickly."

Ummm, no, Apples fault for having such a piss-poor developer relations. Had they exposed the proper API's to access video, like the other major OS's did, the flash experience on Macs would have been tolerable.

Over-use of Flash in ads is certainly annoying, but the resource issues are Apples.

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On the contrary-I absolutely LOVE the touch Interface-for me it was what attracted me to it in the first place. But no flash content? If I jailbrake the thing will it void the warranty?

If you have to return it for warranty issues, simply re-install the current iOS. Jailbreaks are completely reverseable. However, I do not know of any more recent than iOS 4.0.1.

I have no issues not being able to watch a flash movie on my iPhone, its a phone, not a computer. I can still watch youtube, so what else do I need flash for?

"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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"I hate Flash on my Macs...Adobe's fault...as it is a total resource hog. My Macbook's fan comes on about 15 seconds after a Flash video starts running. Adobe has known about this for years and never fixed it. One of the major things I like about my iPad is the long battery life and Flash, in it's current incarnation, would likely kill the battery very quickly."

Ummm, no, Apples fault for having such a piss-poor developer relations. Had they exposed the proper API's to access video, like the other major OS's did, the flash experience on Macs would have been tolerable.

Over-use of Flash in ads is certainly annoying, but the resource issues are Apples.

"http://daringfireball.net/2010/02/flash_hardware_acceleration"]Not entirely I don't think.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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"I hate Flash on my Macs...Adobe's fault...as it is a total resource hog. My Macbook's fan comes on about 15 seconds after a Flash video starts running. Adobe has known about this for years and never fixed it. One of the major things I like about my iPad is the long battery life and Flash, in it's current incarnation, would likely kill the battery very quickly."

Ummm, no, Apples fault for having such a piss-poor developer relations. Had they exposed the proper API's to access video, like the other major OS's did, the flash experience on Macs would have been tolerable.

Over-use of Flash in ads is certainly annoying, but the resource issues are Apples.

Not entirely I don't think.

"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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"I hate Flash on my Macs...Adobe's fault...as it is a total resource hog. My Macbook's fan comes on about 15 seconds after a Flash video starts running. Adobe has known about this for years and never fixed it. One of the major things I like about my iPad is the long battery life and Flash, in it's current incarnation, would likely kill the battery very quickly."

Ummm, no, Apples fault for having such a piss-poor developer relations. Had they exposed the proper API's to access video, like the other major OS's did, the flash experience on Macs would have been tolerable.

Over-use of Flash in ads is certainly annoying, but the resource issues are Apples.

"http://daringfireball.net/2010/02/flash_hardware_acceleration"]Not entirely I don't think.

Well, that's Gruber defending his baby. While the hardware accelaration for video, specifically H.264, is new across the board, general Falsh sluggishness is due to Apples poor 2D API's as well. Also, the plugin interface NPAPI for Safari is much slower than ActiveX in IE, so the Windows version has an advantage there.

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Argh... What can I say?? It sucks.

The first thing that annoyed me is that I couldn't just start using it straight away. I needed to download the latest version of iTunes. Well, I don't have access to my iMac at the mo so I had to bring it back to the store to get it "unblocked". Get this-it cost me money to do that too!

Speaking of money... I have so far bought an idock and an iadapter to plug in a USB port so that I can iconnect a freakin' camera to it (and btw that is ALL the USB port will recognise). Additionally, I have needed iapps to get the thing going and Skype refuses to work whilst I do *any thing* else...

Navigating the web is NOT easier, it does NOT cope with emails better and typing with is is NOT a breeze. Basically is does less stuff in more time.

Seriously... I am a huge Mac fan but I want an iRefund.

The WeTab will be available soon; runs on Android. Pre-order via Amazon.de

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I understand what you are saying. I have had an iphone for a while so I was used to hte touch navigation.

I have not found that the ipad replaces any device, and am very frustrated that it does not multi-task applications yet, while the iphone operating system does. The next iteration of the ipad operating system is due in November.

The navigation does get easier withe practice. If you jailbrake it, you will be able to connect external drives, a friend at work has done that, if you want i will find out which jailbrake application he used.
Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber.
--- The Dude ---

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I have never had any use for Apple products before. I don't even own a smart phone or have any intention of ever owning one.

I bought my iPad (32GB w/3G) as a a tool, not a full fledged computer. I just got back from a 4300 mile, 18 day motorcycle trip and I have to say that it is the single most useful tool I have ever travelled with.

My fiancé was skeptical, but wound up loving it even more than me, I think.

My only big complaint is the lack of a real file system. I expect that will be remedied soon enough.

. . . and, yes, this was sent from my iPad. :-)
Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

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