
1" Kevlar tape

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If anyone has recently purchased 1" type VI, class 2 or class 5 Kevlar tape, I'd like to know where this is available in retail quantities of less than full-roll.

This material looks like nylon binding tape and is commonly used in the construction of retractible pilot chutes and for canopy reinforcement.


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Check with the Sunshine Factory in Z-Hills. They built some of the earliest collapsable PC's in the industry and the entire length of the bridle was lined with the stuff. I'm pretty sure they will be your "small quantity" source.

I'm amazed I still remember this stuff....I must be getting old...

Tim T.
Team Paraclete

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I'm amazed I still remember this stuff....I must be getting old...
I can't believe you just lobbed that one over the net at me! Here comes the spike!


No, back at you...the fuse is burning...PS: I'm sorry I can't figure out the quote, cut, and paste thing but...here it comes....

You might (and probably do) use Grecian...oh yeah, I can't do "clicky either".... but I don't know how....

PS: still ran a 21:00 3 mile this morning....did you?

PPS: Can I get a... quote, cut, copy, paste, "clicky" class sometime soon....old man?


Miss you and the wife and kids out here lately...let me know if you need a recurrency class:P

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Check with the Sunshine Factory... I'm pretty sure...

Since I asked, "if anyone has recently purchased...," I'll take your answer to be an "I don't know." Hard to actually say it, huh?

BTW what does a 3-mile run have to do with gear & rigging?

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Old Man (not your real name),
I was basing the ONLY response to your post on my memory. No, I do not know if they still have it but it's worth a phone call IMO.

The second part was aimed at the Big-Headed Greenie aka John Hawke who is a close friend....and would most likely help me "move a body"...please advised if you need more info into that sarcasm...

Call Sunshine Factory for the Kevlar and if they don't have it come to Raeford and I'l buy you a beer (or 7).

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