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Hi all. I'm new here and to the sport of skydiving. I've had 3 tandems, one static line (never do THAT again!), 1 wind tunnel and one recently failed AFF Student Level 1. I'm not proud of that last one but I came here seeking knowledge for the next jump I'm hoping to make (obviously it'll be the same course I failed and within 30 days though I'm hoping to make it sooner than that). It's so discouraging though and I fear it may not have just been miscommunication - I'm not so sure I didn't have a hard time pulling the pilot chute. I'm still going over everything in my head right now as to what happened out there. I fear I may not even step back in the zone because of my fear that I might have had a hard time pulling the chute out like I should have. If that's the case then I feel like I shouldn't even be out there. I don't know what to think or do at this point. Any advice or even encouraging words would be great at this point. Thanks guys/gals.

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Hi Newbie,
First off, welcome to the club. You should already be proud of what you have accomplished thus far and remember always that your not like everyone else, your a skydiver. Everyone has had their own difficulties learning to jump, but stick with it, get some help from those at your DZ whether it be an instructor or a coach. My problem area was my exit. But I kept at it, got some help, and now I can exit any way without flailing, and the fear is gone of not being in complete control. On the difficult pull, you may have had one. One thing I do when I do my gear check before I jump each time is pull my pilot chute out a little carefully with two fingers only. It should slide out like a little burrito easily. I slide it back in carefully and re-check that there is no exposed bridle. You may want to consult your rigger if it is your gear because there may be an issue with your BOC (bottom of container) pouch or whatever type pouch you have. Anyway I hope that helps some, and stick to it, it'll come. Skydivers help skydivers. That comraderie, and skydiving, what could be better.

Blue skies,
Ordinary's..... just not good enough today.

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If it encourages you at all, I did my first hundred jumps, took an eight year lay off from the sport, and as I got retrained, I fell off the plane (static line training second time through) 4 times before I actually let go appropriately!

My point? No worries mate! You'll get it. Like Skymama says, just relax while you're doing the most unnatural thing you've done to date. No one is expecting you to get it right on the first try. The air is wierd place to be and you're still in the work phase. Play time is coming soon!

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Thanks ya'all. I've finally gotten myself out of the funk I was in over that. I'm taking another week and figure by then I'll be ready to go again. Just taking a little to regroup and build my confidence back up - that whole thing shook me up pretty good. I think I may just have to get really mean about it when it comes time to pull. lol. Anyway, thank you all for the kind words and encouragement. I'll keep you all posted on when and how my next jump goes. Thanks again!

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I don't consider it a game. I'm doing this so down the road I can compete. But for now I just want a boatload of experience (and my license of course). I really should look to the negative of that jump and try to learn from it. I would just like to forget it at this point, but I really need to stop and look it over, searching for anything else I can learn from it. Aside from remembering to 'pull'. Anyway, thanks. :)

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I recently finished my aff well i have 32 jumps now and my level 1 aff was aug 4th.

I failed level 1 as well for 2 reasons

1 the closed hand shaking hand sign wasnt in the book they gave me . they didnt understant why i kept looking at then with a blank stare.
(it means practice rip cord pulls)

2 on wave off I kept waving but they wouldnt leave off (heheheh) (they not who your signaling with a wave off its for anyone above you)

however i did pull on time so it wasnt all bad and after that i breezed through the rest.

they tell me dont talk to the students but i do like to share my experences and recomend a few things to everyone about to start on level 1 aff.

practice the hand signs untell they come easy and natural. ( its the only way to comunicate in free fall)

2, relaxe if you read ahead like i did dont panic about back flips and stuff they are easyer then you think and each jump teaches you the skills for the next jump.

for me each and every jump has been bettter and better and more and more fun not to mention
the fear and panic inside calms alittle bit each jump and as you learn more

have fun and read all you can find it does help.
Luck, wisdom, and clean air.

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