Hello! I'm returning to the sport

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Hi, all!

I'm new to the site so I thought I'd say hello - I've gotta say, this looks like a really cool place to be!

I want to start jumping again after a long break. I did 12 static-line jumps at RAFSPA in Bicester, England, when I was back at university about seven years ago, then ran out of money. In hindsight I think it was perhaps optimistic to assume that I could pay for my lifts AND eat on a student budget. Unfortunately I chose to eat. I loved everything about the sport - the lifts, of course, but also the great atmosphere and inclusiveness! It was amazing....

So now I think the time's right to start afresh. I've been thinking about taking an AFF course, but I'm not so sure about my ability as-was. My 12 jumps got me up to dummy pulls (the last of which I mucked up, at which point I ran out of money to do it anyway), so I have a few concerns about starting up again:

a) Given my slow static-line progress, I might end up spending a load of money on endless AFF lifts.
b) Twelve static-line jumps to get to dummy pulls seems like quite a lot.
c) If I sail through an AFF course, will it be a fluke? I'm worried about messing up on a solo jump if I progress through the lessons quickly.

Sorry this post is so long - I'm kinda twisting in the wind a bit as to what I should do!

Great to meet you all! :)

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Glad you're coming back to the sport! And don't worry so much about the 12 static lines - it took me 20! Plus a ton more jumps after that. 4000 jumps later I mostly know what I'm doing :-)

I'd say give AFF a try, and if its troublesome to you, go back to static line. Both are good programs...


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Thanks! I'm leaning towards AFF, to be honest; I'll just have to put the first few abortive attempts out of my mind and get on with it. Hopefully I'll remember the mistakes I was making the first time round when I was on my 4-square-mile canopy! I still have my log book with the last entry: "Missed dummy pull :("

Looks like I might be booking a jaunt to sunny Spain!

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I have been involved in skydiving for 41 years and have experienced just about everything good and bad. I have always believed that there are two kinds of people who jump. One is the jumper who is addicted and enjoys every jump. He/she would jump at night all alone just for the pure thrill. The other is the jumper who is scared shitless and jumps to prove something to him/her self or to some one else. This second jumper is a menace and should not be encouraged by DZO just for the bucks.
Freefall Hall

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