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haha a wind tunnel would be nice, but nothing near ny....I turned right ok (not great) but left couldn't turn at all - someone (not my instructor) said that I may have had my right leg up a bit. My instructor said that I just need to get my arms boxed like the wings of a plane and turn like a plane....I shall try ;) Thanks for the welcome..what's your story?
"I believe the risks I take are justified by the sheer love of the life I lead" - Charles Lindbergh

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***Disclaimer*** I'm new to skydiving and probably shouldn't be giving information out, but I'm stubborn
(Ask your instructor before you listen to me)

When turning, its a pretty good idea to do toe taps before a turn to make sure that your feet are level. Then just do the normal shoulder moves in order to turn.

But I'm also new to skydiving and again I say... ask your instructor

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Turning was my achilles heel and I failed my level 5 several times because of it. (360 turns left and right)

Obviously your instructor knows the problems you are causing yourself but really the biggest thing I know that helped me was to STOP trying so hard.

It is a vicious circle. You want to pass (this is expensive as well!!!) you tense up like a piece of board (even if you think you are relaxed it is likely you are not relaxed the way you will come to understand) so loads of rocking and rolling in the air. Panic sectors of the brain start going off at this point...on my god I'm screwing up..I'm screwing up...try HARDER! Even more tense now. What chance have you got of turning in this situation. Get the picture.

I did not really relax properly until my consols. My last jump it just all came together as the pressure was off (no need to perform except what you want to do). I could feel my body position was so much better and I had no "buffeting" at all. If I wanted to go over there...I went over there without a thought. Cool. This is what they mean by relax.B|

This may not be the case with you at all but I swear when everyone was telling me to chill out and just relax, they were so right. It really did help the head stuff so I could work on the body stuff.

Anyway good luck with the rest of your course and welcome to the sport.:)

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new to skydiving, just failed level 2 aff (anyone have any advice for turning???), but I was still smiling when I got to the ground :)

I failed AFF lvl 2 also... I couldnt read my altimeter for some reason and I was fighting the wind and couldnt turn... I was waay to stiff... It was a $230 lesson but it was worth it.

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Hi Katie,

welcome to dz.com. The one piece of advice I could give you about AFF is to relax and enjoy the ride. So many problems are caused by stiffening up. If you really want to improve and can afford it, then get into a windtunnel with a good coach and watch yourself on the DVD afterwards.

Good luck


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

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i'm a student myself and completed level 4 this past weekend. it was my third level 4 jump.

i don't think of it as pass or fail. i think of it as learning new skills (how to fly my body/ stay stable) in a new environment the air). and there will always be things i can learn and improve on. now it's stability and the performance objectives of aff to get my a. then on to my b- i want to night jump so bad. next it will most likely be learning free fly.

as for turning- you can get lots of info here, but your best bet would be to ask your instructors what you can work on to practice and dirt dive your jump.
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(anyone have any advice for turning???)

I had absolutely no problem with turning. I liked it so much I often made my 90 degree turns into 360s
or 720s or even 1080s in some advanced cases. :) So maybe I'm not the right person to advise.

Above all, talk to your instructors. Nobody on here has seen you jump; your instructors have and are
better able to advise you.

Having said that, if you're still having problems after a couple of more jumps, you might see if you can
get your jump on video; sometimes watching your jump through the "eyes" of someone else will help
you understand what's going on.

You're going to get tired of hearing this, and you're going to wonder what the hell everybody means,
but relax! The first time you relax, you'll know it... everything will get smooth.

There is a wind tunnel under construction in New Hampshire, but it won't be open for at least a few
months. I visited a tunnel and found that it helped a lot, but many people have learned to skydive
perfectly fine without one.

Don't stress too much about not completing an AFF level on the first try. I know a few jumpers who
got right through AFF in the minimum number of jumps. I know a lot more who repeated at least one
level, sometimes more than once. Then there's me, but I'm a problem child.


PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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