
Harness sizing

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So I'm looking at a used rig for my wife. I got the SN of the container (javelin) and called in to talk with Sunpath about it. Basically they said the main lift web was an inch too long and the lateral was an inch too big as well. They can adjust it to fit her, but of couse that will be $240 and two weeks. In the words of the Sunpath guy, "It would need to be adjusted for the rig to really be comfortable." My question is, can someone give me a little detail about what those sizes really mean and also maybe comment on the comfort level of those two sizes being off by and inch VS the comfort of random_rental_rig_01 that she would be using normally.

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This is what you are looking for on a Sun Path Rig. On a articulated harness, the center of the hip ring should be right where the hip bone is, On a standard harness, the junction where the Lateral (AKA the part that goes around the waist) and the piece of webbing that holds the metal piece of the leg strap should be at the hip bone.
To get the measurement for the lateral, You measure the waist at the navel and subtract a 3rd. that will give you the proper measurement and the most comfortable fit.
A rig that is too large is one that your wife will "sink into when she opens. That poses the possilblity that the chest strap will ride too high possible hitting her in the throat. In addition, it may make it difficult to reach the steering toggles. My advice is to have it resized or find one that fits better

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