
Skydiver friend of a BASE jumper

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I skydive, she BASE jumps...she used to skydive but it has really tapered off since she began to BASE...now she's traveling all over the world and since I love her as my sister, I sleep with my cell by my ear to just hear she's okay/safe...even if I don't answer, I can see the incoming call from her cell and know she's okay...I'm scared to death to lose her to this sport..I've lost so many already to really weird shit...so I suppose I just wait for her calls to tell me the last awesome cool BASE jump she cheated death on...


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I suppose I just wait for her calls to tell me the last awesome cool BASE jump she cheated death on...

Do really feel that way about BASE? It's understandable of course. Remember though, that's how your non-skydiving friends usually feel about you skydiving.
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It's weird to see this, because one of your friends was in my living room yesterday and today is jumping down south. I worry, but at the same time I think of her having an awesome time.

From skydiving I'm sure you know, if you want to have a great time, you need to push your personal limits just a bit.

My advise would be not to worry so much. I know that is pretty obvious, but it works. Think of one of your friends having a great time.

And it's like anything new, she will get to a point where she misses skydiving and she'll come back to jump with you guys.

She's lucky to have a friend like you, and I know she knows it.

Two of my friends are headed out rite now... I know how excited they are to jump this new object, so I'm happy for them. I just say "Be Safe" and "Have a good one".

Hope this helps.

Fear is the thief of dreams...

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I know the emotion that your talking about, even worse, having been in Skydiving for quite a while I have gotten to know a lot of BASE jumpers and have they let me know about their point of view and perspective, and in one view it makes sense and in another it is sad, from what I have been told, unless you accept your death in the sport of base jumping and already consider yourself dead, you can never get to the next level. there are base jumpers out there knowing they are on nick's they just dont know the number to the left... I find that sad, to me its a form of giving up and just accepting it. I think there is a lot of morbid bravado out there, there is a lot to be said of living a long life, you base jumpers out there... go over nicks list and find the first person you know and note the date ..... then think about all the life and living you have had since then.... its staggering... my ref point is Teresa Tran and she is in the low 30's "forgive me for not knowing the exact number" sorry but Ive had this on my mind for a while and this seemed to be the time to let it out


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...unless you accept your death in the sport of base jumping and already consider yourself dead...

I don't think about it like that at all. I don't think most the people I know think about it like that. I just go out to have fun and feel the edge. Nothing morbid in that.

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... then think about all the life and living you have had since then.... its staggering...

You could do the same with skydiving. Or running. Or vacationing in Europe. No matter how you die, there will always be more you could have done had you not died just then. The risks in how we choose to spend our time may differ, but the motive is the same.

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