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How To Tube: Managing Sessions and Understanding Rotation

By joelstricklandon - Read 5051 times

Image by Annette O’Neil

Tunnel flying can be physically demanding, especially at the beginning. Being in good shape will help but tunnel fitness is largely built through learning good technique and trying to fly as regularly as possible.

The more you fly the more you will be able to fly, in terms of both duration of each period you spend in the tunnel and the necessary rests in between. ‘Rotation’ is the term widely used to refer to the process of sharing time in the tunnel amongst the flyers in each session - of rotating them around so everybody gets to use their minutes in sensible portions and with ample rest periods.

Not all indoor skydiving facilities are the same - some have an enclosed (i.e. locked) staging area immediately next to the flight chamber that necessitates formalised sessions of a set duration (usually 30 minutes) which those booked to fly divide amongst themselves. Others tunnels might have an open staging area (i.e. not locked) in which the flyers can come and go as required - which leads to a little more freedom and flexibility for deciding upon the order of rotation, but more chance for things to turn into a shambles if those concerned do not manage the time properly and let it get out of hand.

Playback monitor and session information at Hurricane Factory Slovakia. Image by Annette O’Neil

As indoor skydiving facilities grow progressively fancier, the most likely way sessions will be displayed is via a monitor where each and every minute of flying is listed via software that is linked directly to the tunnel’s manifesting system. The programmes used to run the daily activities is most likely specific to that tunnel (or that type of tunnel) and will have its own particular idiosyncrasies. However - there are many places to fly where the primary method of marking people’s time is by writing everything out on a white board and crossing off the rotations one-by-one with an actual finger.

Here is a simple list of some different ways of splitting up time:

Sharing Sessions with the General Public: People off the street giving indoor skydiving a try will likely have bought a package that involves a couple of rotations of a minute or two each. If you are in a mixed session with some newbies you can really help by being on point with your personal plans as your instructor will likely have his or her hands full with the nervous and baffled. Look out for small children bailing out early or people faffing with their gear - if you and your coach can jump straight in when the instructor needs to tend to a tiny crying human or fix a gear issue in the staging area so they don’t have to interrupt a flight they will love you for it.

The more the merrier - just be sure everyone knows the plan.

Sharing Sessions with Belly Teams: Belly flying is very serious so much coaching, practicing and remembering needs to be achieved. Teams are often fond of shorter rotations such as 1:30s or 1:40s so they can squeeze another go out of a session. If your tunnel has a video playback system on a delay it will likely be set for longer than this so it is easy to get repeatedly caught with your pants down still watching yourself on the screen as the belly types get out.

Sharing Sessions with Freeflyers: Freefly training these days is all about the low speeds. Flying on lower wind is easier on your body and the mixture of positions and training methods means it is possible to fly for longer. Rotations of 2.5 minutes have become standard and some coaches and flyers prefer three minutes. Remember, nobody sensible really wants to high five this much - but it is the done thing.

British VFS team QFX at the World Air Games. Image by Ewan Cowie

Sharing Sessions with VFS Teams: VFS is hard work so teams frequently like one minute rotations which can be a pain in the balls. They should be nice to you about it. You might find your rest periods very brief or even be asked to do shorter rotations in your own time so they can rest too. Stand your ground - as policy tunnels do not guarantee the breakdown of sessions but you are a paying customer an as such should be accommodated. As you progress you might be fine with one minute gaps but as a new flyer it can be too much work.

Although it really only involves some very simple maths, organising rotation can be confusing at first which sometimes puts people off figuring it out - resulting in experienced flyers (who should know better) with a total inability to behave efficiently when at the tunnel. The most important thing you can do to make your sessions as smooth and beneficial as possible is communicate with the other people involved - and once you understand a few simple principals you are ready to go.



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Sometimes it can be very difficult for managers to keep track of how many rotations/flights a customer has during a session. The routine I am familiar with is flying "6" - 2 1/2 minute flights/rotations with 3 others in the tunnel (doing the same) with 2 coaches during training camps. No particular complications with this scenario.
Now throw in 1 extra flyer or a flyer doing 30 min when all others are doing 15 and things get kind of like a shell game that I do not envy the managers keeping up with and I for sure haven't ever been able to keep up with it or how many flights I get (can't carry pen and paper to mark/count flights as I fly them) - until reviewing session dvd's at a later date. During dvd review I have caught twice where I had only flown 5 flights when I paid for 6. To the tunnel's credit we have always worked it out equitably but personally I would rather fly my 6 sessions instead of doing makeup later.
I have come up with a solution that might help others and myself. Grab 6 styrofoam ear plugs extra and put them in your left pocket. Then each time u exit tunnel unzip suit and move one of them from the left to the right pocket. At the end of the session if there are any earplugs still remaining in the left pocket u know u lost a flight/rotation or more and can explain it to the session manager to work it out right then or later.
I guess part of what's so great about tunnel flying is that it's so intense that one or at least me can't keep track of 6 or so flights over an hour or so. :)

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OBTW I'm just a flyer and not a coach or session manager.

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I'd add that, especially for teams, make sure that everyone is out and the door clear for the next flyer before your time is up.
Belly teams seem to be the worst at this as they feel they need to fly the exit.
It's really bad form to be leaving the next guy consistently 10 seconds down. Especially if they're getting 1:1 time + coaching.

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Well said. Cogent reality. Nice separation of two discrete realities. Post jumping (Polio) i fly fine, mostly. TODAY 10 minutes.... tunnel rat, ; Kurt 'learned' me back fly in ways superior to my airplane-windbourne FF which carries the mandate of backfly to catch new fish. Just now;
I want MORE !
OTBTW i'm a flyer and fossil coach

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