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Posts posted by MasterMichael

  1. No need to apologize at all.

    I thought that your post was great, and I'm sure that sissy pants will think so too when she sees it :-)

    As a matter of fact, other than the "cute little twat" typo, it was perfect :-D


  2. Quote

    "Once upon a time in the heart of a city,
    Lived a little grasshopper, full of self pity;
    All day long she hopped from one leaf to the other,
    In an attempt to fly, her tiny wings could only flutter.

    Having no clue how things could change,
    She decided to seek help from a sage;
    So right she jumped in to a boat,
    In the unknown waters, she set herself afloat.

    Far away in the woods lived a hermit,
    Who spent his days meditating under the chestnut;
    Tired and travel stained, she reached his abode,
    Showed reverence to him and humbly bowed.

    With eyes closed and body emitting a golden halo,
    The hermit had set the whole place aglow;
    Overawed by the effect, she landed herself at his feet,
    And greeted him with her cute little tweet.

    The hermit opened his eyes as he knew he had a visitor,
    Having read her mind, he smiled at the grasshopper;
    Out he stretched his hand and she hopped on,
    As he touched her wings, she felt strong and her fears were gone.

    Magic worked and little bug could finally fly,
    Filled with ecstasy she heard herself cry;
    Up she soared high in the trees and vast sky,
    All she hated was to bid him a goodbye.

    Seeing her all over him, the hermit said what he knew,
    “You are my little snuggle bug and I can see you through,
    Know your purpose! You are born to fly,
    But wherever you go, we’ll share the same sky.”

    I don't think that she's going to find a wise old sage like that in Duanesburg.

    Anymore :-D

  3. In the 1st second you will fall about 16 feet. At the two second mark you will have fallen about 64 feet. At the three second mark you will have fallen about 144 feet. At the four second mark you will have fallen about 256 feet. At the five second mark you will have fallen about 400 feet.

    I say "about" because I am not taking aerodynamic drag into account.

    At the start of your fall, the drag is not significant, As your velocity picks up, it starts to become more and more of a factor.

    The total distance (in feet) that you fall in a given number of seconds is about:

    16 times the number of seconds times the number of seconds again.

    X = .5 x g x t^2

    The velocity (in feet per second) would be about 32 times the number of seconds that you fall. Again that's not taking aerodynamic drag into consideration.

    V = g x t

    If you want to take drag into consideration, you need to know your coefficient of drag, and you need to know how to do calculus; or just look at the chart in Dan Poynter's book.

  4. Long pilot chute in tow, pulled reserve without cutting away which led to a nasty entanglement. Untied 257 tension knots and cut away on a windy New Years Day 20 years ago, with about 40 jumps experience at the time. Luckily enough I had enough common sense to initiate deployment at an altitude high enough so that no one on the ground could hear me screaming, "Save me Jesus!" Also, luckily enough, I had the good judgement to jump on a day that was windy enough to carry me far away from the DZ so that no one on the ground could hear me screaming, "Save me Jesus!" during the wild ride and landing on a 26' Navy Conical.

    240 ft^2 Strato-Cloud main
    26' Navy Conical (with sea cups)
    180 lb exit weight

    Other factors that influenced my actions:
    I will probably go to hell for not going to church every Sunday for the rest of my life, as I promised Jesus I would. Luckily enough, I am sure there will be plenty of skydivers there for the same reason. I hope that they all bring the beer they owe...

  5. Quote

    Why do people in our sport choose to destroy it by using it as a tool for suicide.

    Makes no sense.

    By skymama:

    "The purpose of this forum:

    I thought the forum name was pretty obvious, but recent posts are making me think that I need to explain the purpose of this forum. As the description states, "This is where we remember our friends".

    Quite simply, this is where you can post memories, pictures and condolences of your fallen friends. If you have something negative to say about someone, this is not the place to post it. The real friends and families of the deceased are already experiencing enough grief; it is improper and rude to come here and post negative comments about people who are dearly missed to some.

    Please remember the phrase, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." This is your warning. If you choose to ignore this warning, don't be surprised if you are banned from this forum for a very long time."

    Thank you for your kind words dannydan. Blue skys brother :-)