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Gear Reviews posted by flyngrudy18

  1. I' made about 20 jumps with my brand new Zulu 152, and I love it.
    On head opening, but faster than Pilot, very light pressure on toggle, make a big difference after a full jumping day on my arms, very reactive, especially when I' remove the slider ( I' suggest to spend that 250$ more for the removable slider ), the canopy becomes more reactive on harness input, and more fun to fly, is fast, but recover very well from long spot, and its also forgiving compared to Katana and Crossfire. My wingload is 1.3:1, which makes possible to use also with wingsuit. Going higher WL, the canopy becomes the best non cross-braced elliptical canopy, of course, this is not the best for wingsuiting.Is the best canopy I've flown, up to date, now, once I' deploy the fun continuos, flying this beautiful parachute.

  2. I' started wingsuit at Aerograd Kolomna, Russia, and I've used the Phantom 3 for my first 12 ws jumps. Easy to fly, and good performance compared to another suit, I've used in Italy, a Crossbow from Parasport. The Phantom 3 is an intermediate suit that fit also student at first flight.

  3. I've come back into the sport after 16 years, I had a limited time to receive my new rig, Mirage has the shortest delivery time and fit perfect on my body.

    Also spare parts are easily available within short time.