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Posts posted by smak

  1. not dissing breakdancing by any means.. it's a technical and impressive discipline but if you step into the path of a breakdancers windmill or try to push them over during some other movement, do you think they would manage to recover? what about recover with grace? what about manage to evade, counter and end up behind you prepared to sweep your feet to the ground if they choose?

    breakdancing just doesent have the depth, although i respect the strength, agility.. and co-ordination it develops.

    oh and bd, dont be down about getting busted up by a lowley boxer. the art of boxing is so underrated its crazy.

  2. i wouldent say capoeira and breakdancing go hand in hand, heh.. there are stories (with basis) of breakdancing having its origins rooted in capoeira but i'd say they are only very similar to the untrained eye.

    capoeira stresses spacial and physical awareness, as well as cunning and flow.

    i'd check it out if you get a chance. there are a few good groups in the bay area, pm if you would like some more info.

  3. they are a bit pricey, but i just got a set of Etymotic ER-6's for my long motorcycle rides.

    they are actually headphones that double as ear plugs.. provide upto 20db of isolation and have excellent sound quality even over the drone of my hindle exaust can on my fzr400 (easily 95+db at highway rpm.) i plan on trying them at the dz soon.

    they have a barometric release feature too, which is supposed to release pressure as it builds in the ear canal. should be ideal if they work fast enough.

    you can check them at

    i'll keep you posted after the weekend on their performance at altitude.

  4. Does Kirk know you chopped his logo up like that? ;P I dont think Beastie is covered by the GPL.

    But now that you have our attention, how did the jump go? Did you IAD or build some speed?

    Any insight for future attempts?

  5. boil up a bunch of rosemary in a pot of water for 15 mins or so..
    let the water get good and dark, then remove the rosemary and let the water cool. apply that to the affected area and it should help.

    if that doesent do the trick i'd reach for the tea tree oil.