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Posts posted by jojames

  1. can anyone tell me what the havoc is like.
    i currently fly the phantom 3 and find this a good suit.
    im quite heavy and usually sink a bit compared to my lighter friends in the same suit. this is why i was considering the havoc. i have 68 jumps in the phantom and 500 skydives. just wondering if the havoc is hard to fly. any advice would be great. considering the tonysuit t bird as well.

  2. I'm trying to decided between these 3 wings. Has anyone got advice on the pros and cons of these. I've been flying the phantom and want to try a different wing and the havoc, shadow and ghost are the ones that have been recommended to me. Any advice would be great

  3. im a visiting solo jumper from australia with 200 jumps. not so great at head down but ok with tracking and sit fly jumps.

    i was considering coming to perris for a week this coming week and was needing advice.

    is it a friendly dropzone for visiting solo jumpers with such limited experience . i know most people there will have much more experience and i was just wondering if basically what it is like

  4. was thinking of buying the icon pro harness. I5
    i want to put a pd 193 optimum as the reserve and the pilot 188 zpx as the main.

    does anyone know if this will fit and would it be too tight

    ive read the optimum reserve packs smaller and i could go for the smart 176 but would prefer the extra sq/ft of the 193 if its possible.

    same with the main - would the 188 be too tight

  5. Your comments are interesting and valid. The facts are in marketing and advertising the easiest customers to get is a repeat customer. Now when someone says vector etc are good containers but will take more than half a year to build then most people move on to another faster company. And probably half of those people will buy from that company again and again. The other fact is there are people who wait and people who don't. It just depends on your level of patience and trust. Also its a bit risky sending your money to another country and not have anything to see for 6+ months. Take karnage krew in Australia for instance. They took everyone's money and went broke and all the poor bastards over here lost thousands of dollars. This not a whinge... Just statement of facts.

  6. I think someone is having their periods

    No ones really bitching, but we do think it's a shame that their rigs are good but product delivery time so slow. I think squeak might be taking this a bit personally. No need for the Argo and telling everyone to stfu. It's a forum. U don't have to like every comment on here squeak. Calm the f..k down. Ctfd squeeeeekky. FYI squeak . U posted a f..king essay bitching about things u didn't like about the rigs yourself. Don't worry, be happy.

  7. just a note regarding previous comments re hot dry weather will kill a canopy much quicker.

    ive been paragliding for a while and there is a theory amongst paraglider pilots that the exact opposite is the case. hot humid conditions kill a canopy quicker than dry conditions.
    ive heard many times that a canopy flown on the coast ( and this could be due to the salt air) are usually in worse condition than the ones flown inland. dubai in that case with lots of salt air on the coast isnt so good. why are the paraglider guys saying moisture is bad and the skydivers say dry air is bad. i personally have packed a paraglider after a day of flying on the coast and felt my wing was very moist and leaving it packed this way for another week couldnt be good.

    im confused. paraglider guys tend to loose pack or pack there stuff in bigger bags to air out the canopy after a day of flying near moist air on the coast... why such varying opinions ????

  8. im trying to decide on a zpx wing and another brand that doesnt use zpx. a rigger warned me about the zpx material breaking down alot quicker than normal. is this true. has anyone any experience with this. i know its early days with zpx so there wont be many zpx related stories regarding its longevity. but if anyone has any feed back about the canopies it would be much appreciated. basically it was mentioned the zpx was falling apart much quicker than other material.

  9. the neoxs, optima 2, and neptune 2 are all in my price range. if anyone can help me with the choice. or if anyone has feedback on these 3 audibles.. the neoxs is nice and cheap and ive heard L&B have good service but all i want is an audible that beeps and is easy to use. im just A beginner and dont need all the swooping stuff etc. any advice would be great