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Posts posted by nad

  1. I'm looking to get a new camera jacket and wanted to get some opinions on what you guys use as of late and some pictures of the jackets if you have them. How durable has it been? How is the breathability? Anything you would change on the jacket?


  2. Does anybody have plans on competing with any of the new non-crossbraced wings next year in the CP circuit?

    I'm not sure how the Crossfire3/Telsa will compete against the current Katana. But, I do have plans on competing in the last 2 circuits at Paraclete next year and really trying to decide on staying the the wing I have now or move over to a new planform.

  3. Thank Alex! Appreciate you shedding some light on the flight characteristics. I'm curious on the openings as well.

    @Daniel. Yeah, I've learn just to fly with the wing and have gotten comfortable with it. It's the occasional whips that get me especially when I fly camera.

  4. I'm curious to know the flight characteristics in comparison to the KA. It seems like a promising wing when they mention they were focusing on the openings, which I dread on the KA. Don't get me wrong, I love flying the Katana only once it opens and flies.

  5. Joellercoaster

    ***unless it is a complete redesign I would think that the Crossfire 3 will continue to be a poor choice for learning high performance landings!

    It's apparently a complete redesign. And from what I hear, it's likely to be two canopies... one aimed at the Stiletto-ish end and one at the Katana-ish end of the market.

    I guess the Katana is also a poor choice for learning high-performance landings on though, right?

    I did have someone PM some material on CF3
    -> 7 weeks ago, quote "still don't have a timeline on that yet, but we hope in the next few months if all goes well! Fingers crossed ;) Shan"
    -> two weeks ago, quote "Not just yet, but the project is in full swing now that the Safire 3 is released.... Shan"

    I do agree the KA is a poor first choice to learn from, but I did come from a SA2 wing before transitioning to the KA.

    There is a thread with someone mentioning that there will be two CF versions here:;search_string=crossfire3;#4714800

  6. My assumption about how the gate is determined is way off. I understand that 0 on the x-axis is the gate, and originally, I was thinking that without me defining a gate that anytime I may be X feet off the ground that would be gate. So without defining gate parameters, how does the software determine where the gate is at? I provided a sample of one of my swoops. Entry gate speed shows it as 40.9 mph and when opening it up in Google Earth, I do see a gate marker on the ground.

    exited airplane: 13881 ft AGL
    initiated turn: 530 ft AGL, 29 ft back, -524 ft offset
    max vertical speed: 148 ft AGL, 235 ft back, -36 ft offset (51.7 mph)
    started rollout: 148 ft AGL, 235 ft back, -36 ft offset (51.7 mph)
    finished rollout: 7 ft AGL, 34 ft back, 2 ft offset
    max total speed: 295 ft AGL, 268 ft back, -182 ft offset (67.9 mph)
    max horizontal speed: 54 ft AGL, 136 ft back, 0 ft offset (49.5 mph)

    degrees of rotation: 134 deg (left-hand)
    time to execute turn: 8.20 sec
    time during rollout: 3.06 sec
    time aloft during swoop: 5.94 sec

    entry gate speed: 40.9 mph
    distance to stop: 163 ft
    touchdown estimate: 163 ft (1.6 mph)
    speed carve time: ---- sec (---- mph)

  7. Fair enough. Honestly, if I were in your shoes, I would demo a Safire 2 and the Pilot and make your comparison with the experience you have on the Sabre2. Other people opinions may be different than yours.

    On that note, my opinion:
    I've jumped a [email protected] to 1.4 and [email protected].

    - The Sabre2 openings are fine but I get the occasional off-heading openings, and these lessened as my body position during deployment had gotten better. I was able to get soft openings on both, but had more on heading openings with the Safire.
    - Both canopies are fun to fly in the sky with toggles or risers.
    - On normal straight in landings, I prefer Sabre2 over Safire2. The Sabre2 just had more range and was more forgiving. Like during light wind days, If I had flared too early with the Safire, I wouldn't have the bottom end like the Sabre2 to finish the flare.

    Personally, I've chosen the Sabre2 because, like you said, it is fun to fly.

  8. How about creating a sticky on the Swooping forum that has videos all the mistakes people have made in the past regarding their canopy choices/maneuvers? If they progress to fast or don't show competency, show them what can happen when mistakes and poor choices are made. Who is to say they are progressing to fast or don't show competency? I think it should be someone authoritative on the DZ like the DZO or S&TA..

    I've seen and read enough on the swooping forums that if you downsize to fast, progress well beyond your capabilities, or plain don't listen, that you can seriously get hurt or die. Seeing that, I've reached out local instruction and education from the Flight-1 courses prior to trying anything new. Then take what you learn in the sky until it becomes second nature and progress. This has worked for me (someone who is just starting to learn), I don't know about anyone else who has already been in the sport without proper education.

  9. I wear Under Armour hot weather gear during the hot days under my suit. It does wonders when taking your suit off and on, especially if you are all sweaty.

    I don't know what jumpsuit you wear or what you wear underneath them, but If you wear anything cotton, you're just going to sweat and it just gets uncomfortable.

  10. Real Job: Network Engineer @ consulting company.
    Education: H.S. Grad, but have a CCIE certification.

    Was in college for a year and a half until I got the CCIE certification. I got hired two weeks later and work at the same company since then(10 years). Haven't gone back to college.

  11. Couldn't even add right...:$

    That's a good deal for all of that equipment. PM me if you want code. I can get them for you. ;)

    1760 should be fine for a frame-switch. Didn't even think about that.

    Just keep on studying and taking the test. I wouldn't take examcram or pass4sure websites. Those tests are verbatim to the real tests and you'll just be a paper certified engineer.

    The Cisco CCNA press books are not that bad either to follow with.

  12. Quote

    Got a few routers in my HOME lab,

    You have 15 routers! That is a lot. If you are just starting out on your CCNA, then start small. 3/4 routers and 3 switches is all you need for the NA. I don't know what feature sets/images that are installed in your equipment, but you would want to get the highest code/feature set you can get for the devices you have. That will get you all the features you need for the NA and NP.

    I would work on whatever topics they cover on the blueprint.

    I attached a pic that shows a sample lab that I would recommend. There is a doc on cisco's website to turn a router into a frame-switch. With this physical layout, you can add direct serial connections between the routers for different topologies.